
harris hawk

Well-Known Member
have germination issues - got 3 seeeds = + 1 extra ++ No germinaton - have tried the paper towel method and the soak method - think the breeder will replace seeds ? Help
Yea ! bouble grape - wrote to Mephisto about thuis issue - interesting bout your issue also bothDouble Grape
Not surprised, after 4/8 germinated for me I looked around and saw I was one of many who had issues with the strain not popping. Welcome, the line starts back there.

Luckily this order was through NASC and they gave me credit and I grabbed more CDLC the next time!
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At least I kow it's not me with the germination rate at 100% no germination -- It's a bummer when other folks share that issue No more Mephisto strains and it's sad they are well I see them all over the internet just about all "Banks" carry MEPHISTO have see other thread about mephito and they "rave" about Mephisto Maybe if one could get a seed to germiinate