K2 synthetic weed spice


Well-Known Member
For anyone who tried legal highs. How îs The high like on spice/k2. Can Someone explain/elaborate more how IT feels like?
Stay 1,000 miles away from that shit. I visited a manufacturer of that crap. They bought from China and didn't give a shit what was in it. As ingredients were banned, the Chinese would simply change the formula slightly to get around laws. The owner was a sleazy, rich Palestinian that owned payday loan shops and car washes (cash businesses). He hadn't filed an income tax return on the business in over 3 years while pulling in 20k-40k/wk. The Feds shut him down permanently about a month after I visited.
I’d say it’s kinda more like dxm mixed with hints of tripping. I wouldn’t recommend doing it, but I somehow survived smoking it for 2 years. Bought the powder though, not the laced stuff. A tiny little bit, like the tip of a toothpick goes a long way, no way to know how concentrated the sprayed on shit is.
Stay 1,000 miles away from that shit. I visited a manufacturer of that crap. They bought from China and didn't give a shit what was in it. As ingredients were banned, the Chinese would simply change the formula slightly to get around laws. The owner was a sleazy, rich Palestinian that owned payday loan shops and car washes (cash businesses). He hadn't filed an income tax return on the business in over 3 years while pulling in 20k-40k/wk. The Feds shut him down permanently about a month after I visited.
A little detail on this story.

I was visiting the mfg facility because a new mgr he hired had asked me for a quote to get the accounting and tax records in order. I gave him a high but very reasonable quote, considering 3 years of recklessness, because he's obviously a narcissist and I fully expected far more than usual difficulty. BTW, he not only ignored income tax returns, he ignored payroll tax returns as well. The owner declined my offer saying his sister, with zero experience, could do the bookkeeping. He ignored the tax return aspects. I hope he is in a gray bar hotel where he belongs. That isn't because I didn't get the business. I wouldn't work on a long-term basis with a POS like this but because he didn't give a shit about people dying from the shit he sold or the damage he inflected on the poor with his payday loan businesses.

Obviously the makers and distributers of this don't care about you at all.