Not sure whats going on

A bit but it's been there awhile. I gave an h2o2 bath in week 2 and it never spread anymore. I just figured it's was that color now
Nice. It'll be fine with the root system you've got now. Take clones and go straight hydroton next time. That's my plan, way less dramas than rockwool. Keep it covered with a loose sheet of panda film or something if it starts to spread, just keep the light off it.
I'll look into it. Last question for now... is it normal for the roots to twist together, I'm looking at Bubblescrogs picture and they are not tangled. I'm hoping it's just because I'm in RDWC?
Yea water splashes it from the bottom and evaporation.i never had problems with wet rockwool
Top drip boosts growth first 2 weeks then its usless like normal dwc
Agree completely.
My res came with top feed (SuperPonics) and I used that feature for a couple of grows. After that, I cut all the tubing off and covered over the holes. I only grow two plants at a time (now one) so there just wasn't any need for the tubing or having a second pump in the res.

Re. rockwool - it wouldn't surprise me that rock wool would get wet at the top. Rockwool seems to retain quite a bit of water. I've switched to RapidRooters + Hydroton. As a new grower, I think I overwatered and rockwool held a lot of water. RapidRooters seem to be idiot proof.
So I am back asking for possible answers, my one lady is still doing very well, but the other I just can't seem to dial her in. I'm in week 8 since popping seed. All parameters are within optimal range. This is a rdwc grow. Still vegging because I'm afraid to flip over before solving this issue. And opinions are appreciated


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