Newbie here!!


Active Member
Just started growing very recently. Got an indoor set up in my closet. Nice grow light that seems to be working on the 2 small plants I have set up in there now. Have been using miracle gro potting mix which now I see is a no no. I went and bought a small bag of happy frog and ocean forest earlier today and have plenty of about the best compost you can get from my job. They make their own and it's great shit. Both of my plants about about 3 weeks old and seem to be doing fine but are still in the same pots they were in for germination so just kinda outgrown their little baby pots so gonna mix up a good medium tomorrow and put them in 1 gal pots. Just looking for any tips, advice or any type of help I can get. Btw both plants come from feminized seeds from a self pollinating female Skywalker og plant i had a buddy give me. Atleast this is what I've been told. Thx!
I would transplant into a larger pot than 1 gallon. I'd go straight to the final pots. Some people do a bunch of up-potting but it isn't necessary.
How did you decide to go with a purple light? Personally I would have looked at something other than the purples, the tech is pretty outdated. Plus working under them kind of blows and learning what is going on with the plants is tough if you can't see it in natural light. Sorry for bagging on but its really true.
You can leave those in the pots there in for awhile longer.

Make sure you're not overwatering. You probably don't need to water every day at this point.

Best wishes on your grow.
Well theres a veg setting and bloom setting on lights veg is the purple and bloom is like a blue and together it's like a teal. It's been working pretty well so far. Just doing the 2 plants for personal use so didn't really go all out or anything. But yeah I'll take any tips or advice at all. Appreciate all I can get.
Spend time looking at the grow journals, there is so much information in this community! Oh for what its worth I'm pretty new to growing myself so take everything I say with a grain of salt, others here have way, way more knowledge than I do. Growing is a hobby for myself but for others here its a living as well as a passion.
Yeah just a hobby and a passion also. I like doing it and like to smoke of course lol but will read those grow journals. Just been doing some research on the best soil and trying to get a feeding schedule and all that.
Yeah just a hobby and a passion also. I like doing it and like to smoke of course lol but will read those grow journals. Just been doing some research on the best soil and trying to get a feeding schedule and all that.
Are you gonna do salts or organics?
Nothing so far. They're just In a compost, miracle potting soil mix right now. Planned on mixing compost ocean forest and happy frog tomorrow in my 5 gal pots. Not sure whether to order fabric pots and need some type of drainage trays to catch the run off since they are just in my closet on a dog cage atm lol I did add some bone meal a few days ago to the top of soil but that's it