I broke my plant in 1/2


Active Member
can it survive? It snapped while training...it split on the sides, still in tact. What should I do to keep it alive?


Well-Known Member
I have heard that if you broke it but its still attached somehow that you can tape the stem so it stays upright and it will grow back together.


Well-Known Member
tape it looslely back together if the stem isnt lined up perfectly, because if you tie it then when it grows around the string you will have a weak spot in your stem and it will almost certainly break again.


Well-Known Member
usualy it grows back after a while if im not confused that sounds exactly like "supercropping" it grows backstronger infact. dont tape it. the stuff in tape is very unhealthy for anything. most tapes atleast.


Well-Known Member
It will be ok I snaped one in more than half way through the stem, this is gonna sound kinda funny but I actually just held it together and crazy glued around the outside. The fan leafs above the break drooped for a few days but after that it was back to normal.


Well-Known Member
It will be ok I snaped one in more than half way through the stem, this is gonna sound kinda funny but I actually just held it together and crazy glued around the outside. The fan leafs above the break drooped for a few days but after that it was back to normal.
ahahha you super glued it, that has to be the craziest herb plant stories ive heard to date.


Well-Known Member
DO you know how to make a graft?

You cut the branch to form a wedge, then slice into the stem where you want to graft it, insert the wedge into the graft and tie it all up.

Weed can be grafted on hops, can't see why it can't be grafted back onto itself, in fact some people grow one rootstock, and then graft many cultivars on it.


Active Member
Actually i watched my dads buddy who is a well seasoned grower just duck tape it back together it grows right back like new.