Appoint a fire breathing former republican patriot who hates Trump's guts!

If the democrats win the house by a miricle, take it as a divine sign and pass the special independent counsel law, just for republicans in congress who voted against the certification and make their lives miserable and expensive until 2024 with public hearings like Ken Starr used to have in the good old days.
Attorney General Merrick Garland is considering naming a special prosecutor to investigate Donald Trump as to insulate the Department of Justice as the former president makes an expected 2024 comeback attempt.CNN's Erin Burnett on Thursday noted that Kellyanne Conway said we should expect Trump...
Attorney General Merrick Garland is considering naming a special prosecutor to investigate Donald Trump as to insulate the Department of Justice as the former president makes an expected 2024 comeback attempt.
CNN's Erin Burnett on Thursday noted that Kellyanne Conway said we should expect Trump to "announce soon" a third White House campaign.
Burnett interviewed CNN senior justice correspondent Evan Perez.
"These are conversations they are having behind the scenes because, obviously, the possibility that the former president announces his candidacy for office again is real and is coming most likely after the election," Perez reported.
"And so one of the issues for the Justice Department is the prospect of having a department that answers to Tump's potential rival in 2024 doing an investigation of a sitting candidate, an ongoing candidate," he explained.
"And so, one of the ideas is, does a special counsel insulate the department from political criticism," he explained.