Breeders on Discord

I’m a bad parent because I allow my child to ride a skate board without a helmet?
I assume it was just a for instance
My neighbor lets his kids ride their dirt bikes up and down my public road
25mph road usually in excess of 50 mph without helmets
Am I supposed to just look away ?
We had 5 kids hit a tree in our yard all went to the hospital with broken bones
I did not file charges as the cops suggested but yes I keep an eye on your kids
I assume it was just a for instance
My neighbor lets his kids ride their dirt bikes up and down my public road
25mph road usually in excess of 50 mph without helmets
Am I supposed to just look away ?
We had 5 kids hit a tree in our yard all went to the hospital with broken bones
I did not file charges as the cops suggested but yes I keep an eye on your kids
Did you just compare riding dirt bikes 50mph to a couple a kids on long boards on the side walk? “Yes I’ll be watching you kids”. That’s doesn’t ring my ears the right way. Maybe re word that lmao. But I would prolly call the cops on an adult riding a dirt bike on my street at 50mph let alone children. I have kids riding skateboards. Remember ? Lmao
Sense isn’t common if you think people looking out for your kids is bad
Anyone can have a kid parenting not so much
I’m just tying to put myself where I feel like that’s all good. Like I understand being aware of children. But dead watching them. Lol. Like I definitely don’t go to park and watch other people’s kids. I’m kinda just aware of things. When you become a parent. You get feelings and your peripheral vision works in ways you didn know. But I’m aware of other folks children as well. I just keep an eye on my own.
I’m typically there for everything so it doesn’t matter. who wants to miss anything there kid does for the first time. Idc how old they get.
Sense is only as common as you make it. I try to understand and see the good in people first. Never pass judgement from the jump. Even if they sound really silly.
I apologize if I at all was a contributor to the problem. I don’t wanna be deemed that guy. I promise I’ll re word things to a better and less offensive text for the future. I don’t want any bad blood to anyone.
What about the Security leak of US secrets - that was gotten off Discord ( I'm sure that the Government is looking into Discord - NOW)
I don't think most of the weed discords are really underground. More like IG. There are discords for everything tho so I can only imagine some of the people doing actual foul shit on there are probably pissing themselves lol but the leaks should have zero effect on any of the breeders/clone/seed discords.