Well-Known Member
Burgers from the cow package. When I recently posted the smokesausage from Unox as being the coca cola of those sausages I didn’t mean they’re the best product, but that it’s a heavily marketed brand I can’t resist buying over another. Well, Old Amsterdam is just like that. It’s like a modern factory process version of an old recipe. Makes me feel like I‘m eating exactly what it’s called. Don’t get me wrong, it’s tasty and better than most unless you know what to buy at the farmer’s market. Let’s just it’s not that ‘old’, which is why I got the Belegen version (older). Not the best for melting but…

Cheese in hot pan (used to cook the bacon), wait till it starts melting, throw bottom half bun on top, shake a little

and flip… et voila

Sweet red onions caramelizing in butter with little sugar, balsamico and Worcester sauce

Champignon (yes we like our borrowed french words)

Stack of bacon, 3 slices per burger

plus own sauce (mayo, ketchup, mustard, pickled onion juice, s&p, some smoked paprika powder). Cut the burger in two, to add some bacon and onions in between.

It was either take better pics or eat the damn thing. So good. I knew the cow package was going to be good but it’s truly surprisingly great. Juicy, smells and tastes great, no hard pieces or w/e, meat like it’s supposed to be. Still got steak and ground beef and half a liter of solid frozen bouillo…. broth to try but hallelujah, finally a good place for beef again.

Cheese in hot pan (used to cook the bacon), wait till it starts melting, throw bottom half bun on top, shake a little

and flip… et voila

Sweet red onions caramelizing in butter with little sugar, balsamico and Worcester sauce

Champignon (yes we like our borrowed french words)

Stack of bacon, 3 slices per burger

plus own sauce (mayo, ketchup, mustard, pickled onion juice, s&p, some smoked paprika powder). Cut the burger in two, to add some bacon and onions in between.

It was either take better pics or eat the damn thing. So good. I knew the cow package was going to be good but it’s truly surprisingly great. Juicy, smells and tastes great, no hard pieces or w/e, meat like it’s supposed to be. Still got steak and ground beef and half a liter of solid frozen bouillo…. broth to try but hallelujah, finally a good place for beef again.