C.Strawberry Banana - XS4000


Hello and welcome to u all.. Hope u are all well and having a great day..

Excellent week for the "Critical Strawberry Banana" from Emerald Triangle Seeds under the Viparspectra XS4000 @100% power.. Have been a bit preoccupied this week and not been checking up on her as much as I'd like to! (when I checked today the pH was a bit acidic @5.3 so just added 3L of plain tap water to counterbalance and it went up to pH5.7, the res solution did this because she drank more water to food ratio and left a bit more concentrate(ppm went from 900 to 1000)HW solution which drops the pH value down, i think because the light is full blast).. She's had a decent growth this week though and i think i will keep her on 14hrs light until either midweek or at the weekend, unsure yet tbh.. When I do change to true 12/12 i will add bloom based nutrition into the reservoir and a dose of bloom boost.. I trimmed out a small amount of lower branch.. Will be able to check in on her more this week as less busy atm..
