Hawaii Growers

Trainwreck huh? Smoked some of that while I was up in Oregon for a while. Real stoney in my opinion, nice heavy body high.

where those pics at? can't seem to find them.

Dang ain't got no people on Maui to trade clones with. lol

once my baby which is doing good is about 3 weeks older ill be able to take a clone or two. where u at on maui?
here are some pics of my plant that you guys was looking for.


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I say we make a day of trading all things. like say we chose a day then before that day we say where its going to be. we'll call it a POT luck day could be fun.
I say we make a day of trading all things. like say we chose a day then before that day we say where its going to be. we'll call it a POT luck day could be fun.

sounds well thought out...I don't know what I really have to trade besides some clones and a few seeds, but I'm down for the POT luck
huzit everybody i know this isnt the newbie area but i have been lerking for about a month and now i have to jump in on this. i was turned on to this site by Lehua96734 who is my aunty. its me Ona.

i have been growing for a long time out doors now from the back of my house to the hills to the neighbor hood park just to se how big it wuld get (it flowered got about 7" then someone up rooted it. started from seed in the ground) i have only used bag seeds and after growing about the 5th generations of the same strane i knew the strane like the back of my hand till we tented the house and i found out it killed all my seeds. any way...

now i live in a area where i have to grow gurrila style so i can crop. i have a few spots right now that i havent used yet i will be using GPS and a "set and forget" mentallity just going to plant starters, weed out males, and harvest. i will be using polmer crystals for water conservation. the problem i have is getting the starters up in the mountains i like to let them get to about 4"-7" but it poses a problem for me being that i will only be able to take about 4 or 5 at a time and its a 2 hour hike.

i was thinking about using a container like a arizona green tea can to start the starters in hoping i can fit at least 10 in my bag. a friend of mine said when he growing in palau him and his father used to start them in peat moss and get them about 8 inches then pull off the pot and shake the dirt out and bunch 10 of the starters together and wrap them in news paper like in a cone shape to protect the leaves and stuff then load there back packs and hike them up like that. sounds kind of to ruff of a style for me. but if i fine no other better way thats how it will be done..

any ideas? experiences?
use a small cup or small pot after you germinate the seeds and the roots are about 1-2 inches long and just throw it into potting soil and let that sit in your window till its 4 inches tall then you can carry out your plan which sounds pretty good of putting it out into the wild with the water pellets. make sure to weed those males out sooner than later. good plan other wise. maybe grow inddors till about a foot tall. simple suggestion ;-)
I always wanted to get a network to get a hold of seeds and clones locally! This can be awesome. I have nothing to trade but im willing to buy! .. let me know..anyone on the eastside?
I've seen a carrying backpack like thing with shelves, that held red dixie cups with 3 inch plants in them, I think it carries 12 or so, built from the older military backpack steel frames. (the new ones are high strength plastic) other than that my friend carried his up in the mountains in a milk crate.
I would think what GreenKine said is the best bet. Get a large hiking backpack and see what you can do with that. Other then that is gonna be difficult getting your girls to your plot.

You can always build a stadium like Puna Bud has suggested before. Just your regular household window screens or something like that, with some wood built into a box of a desired size. You can take the materials up with you, build it at your spot and start your seedlings/clones under the stadium. Keeps the bugs out and lets the sun in. You can keep them in you cups/small pots till then are the size you want then transplant them to your final spots.

Thats your best bet IMO. Carrying 3 inch plants for 2 hours without hurting them maybe a problem and if you have a lot and you have to make quite a few trips.

Maybe Puna Bud will hop in this thread and help ya out. Hes quite knowledgeable in guerilla tactics for Oahu and Maui.

Shit on Oahu this weekend for some Holiday visiting. Shit superferry some clones back prob aint that hard, they don't search shit when checking your cars.

MauiChronic808, I'm upcountry. Still planning out next long seasons grow and finding strains I want to grow next year.
my best suggestion (how i do it everytime) for geting starters into the mountains is to use a red or clear dixie(plastic) cups to start your seeds/clones. use a nail to poke holes in the bottoms of the cups 4 water to drain. then when there ready to go just place another cup thats empty right over the top of the cup/starter and tape it togethor with a strong tape, then stack them in a backpack so they dont wiggle around at all and you should be able to get them in with no problems or deaths. if you want to grow them larger just use larger plastic or foam cups, best part, there cheap. Another tip I could tell you Ona is that it would be a very good idea to use some sort of nutrients, they will make you plants way healthier and make them grow faster,also helps with larger harvests. I recommend foxfarms but there are many others. Another thing to get is a ph meter, it is very neccessary although most people dont use them in hawaii, if the ph is too high or too low the plants wont even absorb what your giving them. if you got any other questions id be happy to help if I can.
my best suggestion (how i do it everytime) for geting starters into the mountains is to use a red or clear dixie(plastic) cups to start your seeds/clones. use a nail to poke holes in the bottoms of the cups 4 water to drain. then when there ready to go just place another cup thats empty right over the top of the cup/starter and tape it with a strong tape, then stack them in a backpack so they dont wiggle around at all and you should be able to get them in with no problems or deaths. if you want to grow them larger just use larger plastic or foam cups, best part, there cheap.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Just have something semi-hard covering the tops and keep them from moving around and you should be good.

Ahh Dixie cups!!! So many uses.
OK so if everyone is down for the Potluck then lets do it.

Ill set up a list of everyone thats down if you pm me, and once we choose a date and time I'll send it to everyone

How do we choose a place?

I say it be a trade kind of thing so there is no one selling anything but trade what ever green for green or green for seed clones for clones you get it.

if you guys have some thoughts on how to do this lets here it.
I'd be so down for that. Too bad won't be on O'ahu when ya guys do it.

I also love how Hawaii guys are up at 12:30 AM posting on the forums. Gotta love it.

Off to smoke a bowl and pass da fuck out. :)
my best suggestion (how i do it everytime) for geting starters into the mountains is to use a red or clear dixie(plastic) cups to start your seeds/clones. use a nail to poke holes in the bottoms of the cups 4 water to drain. then when there ready to go just place another cup thats empty right over the top of the cup/starter and tape it togethor with a strong tape, then stack them in a backpack so they dont wiggle around at all and you should be able to get them in with no problems or deaths. if you want to grow them larger just use larger plastic or foam cups, best part, there cheap. Another tip I could tell you Ona is that it would be a very good idea to use some sort of nutrients, they will make you plants way healthier and make them grow faster,also helps with larger harvests. I recommend foxfarms but there are many others. Another thing to get is a ph meter, it is very neccessary although most people dont use them in hawaii, if the ph is too high or too low the plants wont even absorb what your giving them. if you got any other questions id be happy to help if I can.

There we go that's a very good idea with the cups. As for the nutrients I always fertalize as for fox farms I have seen alot of recomendations on there products but is it formulated for herb or is it just a general fertalizer. How's shipping to Hawaii any one order from them localy?
there all there she is a cool chick to i know her very well. as much as i would love to buy from her all the time online is the way to go for nutes there abut 1/2 the price so maybe buy a little to hold you over and buy the bulk from online thats what i do when i need nutes
Yea the Kahala lady, she is real cool, she hooked me up with my second hydro kit, which is now in peices. but anyway I just ordered some of the neoprene clonign discs from here the other day. she said they sell out pretty quickly, I guess alot of people are clonging on Oahu?