Defoilate or not defoilate, that isnthe question

My primary use for defoliation is to slow down growth.

Also to lower humidity, i don't subscribe to it's beneficial to the plant.

Yesterday i defoliated leafs from around the canopy but it was a last resort to get humidity under control, it works but in working there's less transpiration and in turn less nutrients get pulled in to make starches, that's how i see it anyway its logical and in practice it slows growth.

Eta...I forgot to mention the Co2 that leafs absorb.

Holy bro science batman. The shit you come up with sometimes dude is outright laughable.

A healthy plant shouldn’t slow its roll 1 bit when you lollipop/ pull leaves, mine don’t anyways?

I’ll agree with the RH thing, but the rest is nonsense imo
Holy bro science batman. The shit you come up with sometimes dude is outright laughable.

A healthy plant shouldn’t slow its roll 1 bit when you lollipop/ pull leaves, mine don’t anyways?

I’ll agree with the RH thing, but the rest is nonsense imo
That odd, when I fucked around with it the defoliated ones were consistently slower.
It's nothing to do with my feelings, I'm open to learning, go on tell me what you know about the topic?

I can lop off 20 branches while lolipopping, doesn’t slow my plants down. How exactly is pulling 5 leaves going to do it?

Sounds like you have a poor environment or unhealthy plants if they slow down after removing a few leaves?