I just can't

^ I just love electric school buses too, like Kamala does. I just love when the batteries randomly short out and catch fire, burning up all the other school buses up at the charging barn too. Like a chain reaction of expensive taxpayer fireworks to light up the sky! So pretty! Diesel is yucky, eww!

No transportation for kids across the nation to get to school now, because the top bin batteries were already bought out by large corporations? No big deal! They can ride a virtual bus to the online academy. The government issued VR headsets will even scan the iris to verify it's actually your kid, so you will know they aren't skipping out, while your at the electric train amazon station hub just down the street, working for 16 hours a day greasing robots...
Jade Helm 15
Stop it with the bullshit conspiracy theory. Chrissakes even a casual look at this would make it pathetically clear the military wasn’t going to take down Nantucket.

The underwater training videos have better resolution than the actual so called space videos. In space its all grainy, like they blacked out the background on purpose, because they are still under water.

Notice in the training videos, the space suits don't let out any bubbles, but the scuba divers gear does. They designed the "space" suits that way on purpose, for shooting the fake space videos, lol.

They probably vibrate and evacuate as much air as possible before they film, but sometimes miss little pockets. That's why you see air bubbles in many of the videos over the years.
Only recently did some of the astro nots start claiming to see stars when they went to the moon. Back then, they were live on TV explaining how they didn't see any, just like in the videos we saw.
That’s all bullshit. But this is what we enjoy about you noodlead conspiracy theorizing ballsacks.

Every single item you turds have ever brought up has been thoroughly, decisively, and definitively trashed. Yet you dolts bring it up again. Totally laughable and speaks to your complete need to cling to an impossible concept.

Do go on, please
Imagine a lie so big, that people actually believe it. And guys in ape suits flying back and forth through an aircraft hull (now with upgraded augmented reality!) as it descends for 3-4 minutes. Haha!
Imagine an idiot so stupid, he will drop science and math from the table. Whew! Unhitched from facts, we can now support incredible delusions. Imagine.
Imagine a lie so big, that people actually believe it. And guys in ape suits flying back and forth through an aircraft hull (now with upgraded augmented reality!) as it descends for 3-4 minutes. Haha!

You are a pretty good troll. You really do make it seem almost plausible you actually believe all this crap. Hats off!