New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Definitely was. The joke is always I made my wife get married in Vegas because I was to shy to stand in front of people I knew. Then we go to China and I have to stand in front of an entire continent of people I didn't know.
We did a Justice of the Peace ceremony for the legal part and then a huge party with all her Filipino family. Talk about eating good :mrgreen:
First attempt at home made onion rings this evening, wish me luck. Picked up some sweet onions because I read they would be good that way. Have to keep them in the fridge, they don't last like regular ones.
if you have a deep fryer, i make a brick of onion rings in the basket. soak onions in buttermilk/milk, then coat with corn startch and flour mix and then cram them in the basket. it comes out as just one massive brick of onion rings.
First attempt at home made onion rings this evening, wish me luck. Picked up some sweet onions because I read they would be good that way. Have to keep them in the fridge, they don't last like regular ones.
Back before I worried so much about healthy eating I owned a deep fat fryer. I loved the Blooming Onion from the Outback Steakhouse and used to make my hillbilly version of it way too often. Hush puppies were another one of my favorites. Real Vidalia onion makes a great onion ring but it's only around for a short time. Hope you have great luck.