I thought this was America?

I say Socialism is what's best for the ultra wealthy. Make sure the lower class has everything they need so they wont bitch and complain at work serving their masters coffee on time.
I say Socialism is what's best for the ultra wealthy. Make sure the lower class has everything they need so they wont bitch and complain at work serving their masters coffee on time.
By highlighting a vagueness that is supposed to mean something but, on analysis, doesn’t really. It illustrates a human affinity for feelgood phrases.

There is a lesson there for consumers of all sorts of slogans. Many are evocative but not informative: emotioneering at work. Sometimes there is a correlation between the turgidity of the phrase and the poor quality of the product, like this sparkling nugget from when GM products hit a general low. Not a lot of these left.

a diesel 'vette? wow.
Cannabineer. You look like some kind, fuzzy animal i could hop on the back of and catch a ride across a river...

BTW.. How do I get avatar labeling status? How many messages do I need? You're a Rollitup god man...
Agnostics don't believe in "god".

no true we do...we just don't give it a name.....

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Agnostics don't believe in "god".
Slight correction, as I identify as agnostic.

Agnostics are popularly believed to be people who question if there is a god. This is enough of a miss to matter.
As an agnostic, I believe that the nature of the divine is unknowable to the human mind to any useful degree. Especially in any predictive way.

I am not constrained to disbelieve in god or the divine. I am disinclined to characterize it.

So to me, religions are at best useless reductions.
At their worst, they are cruel and confining instruments of social control at the individual level.

This is why I generally restrict my attacks on religion to where it matters sociopolitically, like dominionism and scripturally unfounded assault on all aspects of human sexual expression.
... SOooooooOOOo.. anyways. Oil (Brent and WTI) were both up for the week ahead of the mid terms, as well as the whole Energy sector. It's going to be interesting to see what late Nov. and Dec holds as we have post mids, and 2 holidays coming up. Predictions?
no true we do...we just don't give it a name.....

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Slight correction, as I identify as agnostic.

Agnostics are popularly believed to be people who question if there is a god. This is enough of a miss to matter.
As an agnostic, I believe that the nature of the divine is unknowable to the human mind to any useful degree. Especially in any predictive way.

I am not constrained to disbelieve in god or the divine. I am disinclined to characterize it.

So to me, religions are at best useless reductions.
At their worst, they are cruel and confining instruments of social control at the individual level.

This is why I generally restrict my attacks on religion to where it matters sociopolitically, like dominionism and scripturally unfounded assault on all aspects of human sexual expression.
I don't hear either of you saying that you believe in god though. OK, you believe that god is possible, as you don't hold a "disbelief in god", but that is quite a stretch from actually believing in god, in my opinion. Perhaps this is arguing semantics and/or splitting hairs, but I think that it's an important distinction, between fence sitters, and true believers. I was agnostic much of my life, and it took some time for me to embrace god. I don't have a proper name for "god" however, and frankly I don't refer to "god" as such. I personally tend to label it as "spirit", and while I'm not religious per se, I have no problem embracing all religions, as ultimately I believe that they are all worshipping the same spirit which I identify with, just under a name which I don't particularly worship.

So, I'll ask you two agnostics: do you BELIEVE in god? (not the merely the possibility)
I don't hear either of you saying that you believe in god though. OK, you believe that god is possible, as you don't hold a "disbelief in god", but that is quite a stretch from actually believing in god, in my opinion. Perhaps this is arguing semantics and/or splitting hairs, but I think that it's an important distinction, between fence sitters, and true believers. I was agnostic much of my life, and it took some time for me to embrace god. I don't have a proper name for "god" however, and frankly I don't refer to "god" as such. I personally tend to label it as "spirit", and while I'm not religious per se, I have no problem embracing all religions, as ultimately I believe that they are all worshipping the same spirit which I identify with, just under a name which I don't particularly worship.

So, I'll ask you two agnostics: do you BELIEVE in god? (not the merely the possibility)
I have no answer that matters.