I thought this was America?

I believe that is part of world pricing agreements that the US has as part of the global oil consortium but they sure as hell could sell the finished products in country for less of a profit if they had one iota of concern for the country or their customers.

A big part of oil subsidies is to keep the price cheaper for consumers but that has gone out the window with the baby's bath water so cut the damn subsidies already. Instead of colluding on prices how about some competition all the capitalists are always crowing about.

but socialism!
We don’t want to spend money on things like that. We like to spend on things that go “BOOM”
And we (most of the civilized world anyway) loved you for those things. But it's like sitting on a crashing airplane, you got to take care of yourself before you help others.

Crazy how other Countries follow our policies more than thier own.
Not sure what you base the "more than" on but US policies affect the entire world so they're kind of interesting, or concerning. Plus I don't trust people who don't smoke weed so this is good place to discuss politics world wide.
I can't believe some of you want this to become a Socialist Country. :sad:

I'm merely speaking from my experiences. The greatest thing a believer in self-importance can do is play along with the idea he isn't someone who believes in self importance, and more so the greater good, more so than himself and his own interests. Nothing cryptic and only logical I hope...
I'm merely speaking from my experiences. The greatest thing a believer in self-importance can do is play along with the idea he isn't someone who believes in self importance, and more so the greater good, more so than himself and his own interests. Nothing cryptic and only logical I hope...
What that has to do with collectivizing the means of production eludes me. It still sounds sort of Deepak Chopra: made to sound deep but fails on examination.

He would be a great example of what I'm talking about. Except he's not altering his self image to appear as a selfless teacher or guru with a higher message. He's a capitalist and interested first in his own interests. Obviously. Although he would never admit it. Oprah's another one. And Doctor Phil. There's plenty. And none of them would admit it, in fact, many would be the first to claim they're not capitalist. Then you google search their houses.
He would be a great example of what I'm talking about. Except he's not altering his self image to appear as a selfless teacher or guru with a higher message. He's a capitalist and interested first in his own interests. Obviously. Although he would never admit it. Oprah's another one. And Doctor Phil. There's plenty. And none of them would admit it, in fact, many would be the first to claim they're not capitalist. Then you google search their houses.
What's so great about the socialist ideat?... and what do you have against capitalism?.... I not trying to rally here, just taking a survey.
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and what do you have against capitalism?

Are you asleep at the wheel? Look around and see what unbridled capitalism is doing to your country. The American Dream has become the American Nightmare as the upper middle class became middle class and middle class became the lower middle class with half the country considered poor and many of those destitute.

My parents generation could raise a family, own a home and decent car and even save money while taking a vacation at least once a year. Even my generation could do that but watched it fade away as corporations became 'people' and are now the defacto rulers of the world.

Every one of those ripoff rat bastards has been taking pieces of us for decades and now they're tearing off chunks while their profits soar obscenely. Banks especially. Biggest profits in years while they nickle and dime us all into the poorhouse.

Ain't capitalism great. :spew:

Are you asleep at the wheel? Look around and see what unbridled capitalism is doing to your country. The American Dream has become the American Nightmare as the upper middle class became middle class and middle class became the lower middle class with half the country considered poor and many of those destitute.

My parents generation could raise a family, own a home and decent car and even save money while taking a vacation at least once a year. Even my generation could do that but watched it fade away as corporations became 'people' and are now the defacto rulers of the world.

Every one of those ripoff rat bastards has been taking pieces of us for decades and now they're tearing off chunks while their profits soar obscenely. Banks especially. Biggest profits in years while they nickle and dime us all into the poorhouse.

Ain't capitalism great. :spew:

My take. Immigrants come to this Country all the time with nothing and set up successful businesses, and provide for thier families. I mayself at one time in my early 20's didn't have 2 nickels to rub together. Drive and determination led me to a successful 32 year career, and I was able to retire at 54. Luck? ... no. If I had just stayed content as a "gofer", I'd be living in the same 800 sq ft matchmox house that I first got decades ago. Not bragging or anything, but I had the "opportunity" to better myself through the capitalistic system, and have no worries, or debt, and have a healthy net worth.. The lower class are just lazy, with no drive to better themselves. I would get up at 6 am, go to my career job, get off at 6, and go work an hour later from 7pm-3am as a bartender on the weekends.. I worked my ass of for it, and this is what makes capitalism great for the person with some drive and determination. It's way too easy these days to sit on the couch playing Call of Duty while collecting SNAP food cards, and living in section 8 housing... I get some people are just ok with mediocrocy.... I wasn't. This is the land of opportunity, not compliance to be "all equal" in your skills that you develop that are better than someone else's that's not willing to be mentally capable of developing skills to better themselves.
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.... adding to this. You know how many "Help Wanted", or "Now Hiring" signs there are all over town? It's not like there's a shortage of jobs, there's a shortage of people who really want to work. But the way our system is set up, it's easier for them so sit at home collecting the Government Cheese than getting out in the work field and starting up a 401K, Roth IRA, or even savings. They'll never get there sitting on the couch. THIS is the problem. And what sucks even more, is that hard working people are paying taxes to fund these "couch potatoes" while they also get free healthcare for a family of 5-6. We pay $1000 a month for 2 people for healthcare.... are you ok with that?

@OldMedUser Said... "Every one of those ripoff rat bastards has been taking pieces of us for decades and now they're tearing off chunks while their profits soar obscenely. Banks especially. Biggest profits in years while they nickle and dime us all into the poorhouse."

....... that's why you invest in them. Example... 2020 took a big hit to Big Oil. I invested in them, and now they are 6x's what I invested....I doubt I will ever buy that much gas for the rest of my life with the ROI. Not a Biden fan, but he's sure helped me grab opportunities in the dip. Capitalism is opportunities. You just have to know your forte, and knowledge of trends and how certain sectors are going to affect the market. Again.. I missed MRNA... really wished I would have known this was gonna go on this long, I would have dumped a lot of cash in that one... but, that's my bad.
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