I thought this was America?

Lately they have been getting active militarily. Those folks play a long, long game and I wonder how their new hardware, which is way more than they need to checkmate Russia, figures into the plan.
They plan to become the dominant Superpower. And they're about fucking there. :wall:. I'd be worried to get in a war with them right now.
They plan to become the dominant Superpower. And they're about fucking there. :wall:. I'd be worried to get in a war with them right now.
They may find that hard to attain and ruinous to maintain. In the last century empire, as demonstrated by the British, the Russians and the French (who held a lot of Africa) was proven simply too expensive.
So long as the Chinese don’t start stuff in our backyard as defined by Monroe, we can sit back and follow Sun-tzu’s advice “never to interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake”.
Lets talk Big Oil. I find it strange that Biden would threaten to raise taxes on Big Oil Companies for making to much money, when in the beginning of his term, it was at the top of his list to shut down the Keystone, and lease lock domestic drilling when fuel was under $2 a gallon. Now that fuel is at record highs and only took a few cents dip in the past couple of weeks, (which he took credit for), it's back up again, and now he's back tracking saying we should do more domestic drilling?. And now he wants to take thier profits in higher taxes to do what?... "maybe" bring it down .20 cents or so? This isn't helping anybody. They earned it, they should keep it. I really think he has profit confused with revenue. You gotta spend money to make money. I don't have a problem paying $3.49 a gallon if it creates jobs. Im from a oil State. And when fuel is too cheap, and jobs aren't around, you can see it. When oil crashed (for a few opening hours briefly) to negative -$38.00 a brl, people around here were selling off all thier belongings, trading down in vehicles, homes, etc. because they didn't have jobs. Someone help me connect the dots.

The big four oil companies made about $50B in profit last quarter. Half of that was from the increase in oil price. So half of it, about $25B, was just profiteering. The high price of gas is due to lack of refinery capacity. All they have to do is take an extra week of seasonal retooling and they get more money for less gas. The scary thing is they hold the country hostage with pricing. So every single ev on the road helps protect the ice drivers from their cartel.

And in case you did not realize, the oil subsidies started in 1916. We will have to wait to see when they end.

Lets talk Big Oil. I find it strange that Biden would threaten to raise taxes on Big Oil Companies for making to much money, when in the beginning of his term, it was at the top of his list to shut down the Keystone, and lease lock domestic drilling when fuel was under $2 a gallon. Now that fuel is at record highs and only took a few cents dip in the past couple of weeks, (which he took credit for), it's back up again, and now he's back tracking saying we should do more domestic drilling?. And now he wants to take thier profits in higher taxes to do what?... "maybe" bring it down .20 cents or so? This isn't helping anybody. They earned it, they should keep it. I really think he has profit confused with revenue. You gotta spend money to make money. I don't have a problem paying $3.49 a gallon if it creates jobs. Im from a oil State. And when fuel is too cheap, and jobs aren't around, you can see it. When oil crashed (for a few opening hours briefly) to negative -$38.00 a brl, people around here were selling off all thier belongings, trading down in vehicles, homes, etc. because they didn't have jobs. Someone help me connect the dots.


In all of my evolution on planet earth, moving toward learning more about what's going on, I firmly believe we aren't all meant to understand the same things. and it has something to do with personal experiences. or deep empathy. and it is what it is.
Big US Oil is pumping domestic oil from their own leases at very low cost and selling it like they bought open market. Didn’t cost any more or less than ever, they just rake in the $.

I believe that is part of world pricing agreements that the US has as part of the global oil consortium but they sure as hell could sell the finished products in country for less of a profit if they had one iota of concern for the country or their customers.

A big part of oil subsidies is to keep the price cheaper for consumers but that has gone out the window with the baby's bath water so cut the damn subsidies already. Instead of colluding on prices how about some competition all the capitalists are always crowing about.
