I thought this was America?

where can it be cut, in your opinion? Right now, having a capable armed service is sorta comforting to me.
AND every other country that has a capable military doesn’t have that kind of budget. We spend all this money and couldn’t find bin laden. For years. We couldn’t win in Vietnam. We pulled out of Afghanistan. What exactly is this of the chart budget doing besides helping you sleep better?

The military has no problems importing goods. Shouldn’t the govt buy domestic? :lol: So maybe those lights made in China arent so bad. Am I right?
I believe there is a global warming budget in the defense budget now. They are obligated to take it seriously.

Governments around the world are routinely corrupted by the energy industry. We should and could have been moving toward this goal decades ago. This is NOT FAST. We are way behind.
I've always thought there needed to be something done about it, but thought it should be a Worldwide decision. China isn't going green until like 2050.
AND every other country that has a capable military doesn’t have that kind of budget. We spend all this money and couldn’t find bin laden. For years. We couldn’t win in Vietnam. We pulled out of Afghanistan. What exactly is this of the chart budget doing besides helping you sleep better?

The military has no problems importing goods. Shouldn’t the govt buy domestic? :lol:
actually, note graph. My question was, what would you cut?

I recognize it and agree we should work towards cleaner energy and everything. But I don't think we should be rushing into it so fast. With the stuff our adversaries are doing right now I think we should be spending more on the military.

Rushing in so fast ?! The oil companies have known since the 70s at least that it would come to this but swept it all under the carpet like the tobacco companies. Death before lower margins is the way they've worked since.

Some sanity in the oil patch would have had the oil companies investing in renewable energy 50 years ago and by now they would have already slowed down CO2 emissions enough global warming wouldn't be an issue and they would be raking in even more profits selling green energy than they do from oil. Bonus: Everybody wouldn't hate them for what they've done to the planet.

That's America's answer to everything since Daddy Warbucks said, 'War is good for the economy.' then the US took that to heart and it's been war after useless war ever since. Over 50% of US GDP goes to the military with a pittance going to health care, education and infrastructure in comparison. Is it any wonder that now the country is full of illiterate bumpkins screaming about everything.

I read this story many years ago in Galaxy Magazine and though how apt it was. It's more pertinent today than it was then about how our consumerist society needs instant gratification which is a big part of what has led us to where we are.

The Marching Morons by CM Kornbluth.

Without knowing where every penny or even dollar goes how could anyone answer that question.

Govt waste is horrible. On govt jobs equipment is intentionally destroyed or “broken“ so that their budget isn’t cut. So I’m sure there are plenty of places to cut. But then you wouldn’t be “comforted” which is the thinking of most.
Gov’t waste has been horrible since money was invented. So I cannot know by which metric, other than sentiment, you are going. Are you trolling?
That's America's answer to everything since Daddy Warbucks said, 'War is good for the economy.' then the US took that to heart and it's been war after useless war ever since.
Great point. Everyone wins except for the people actually fighting.
Gov’t waste has been horrible since money was invented. So I cannot know by which metric, other than sentiment, you are going. Are you trolling?
Yes :peace:

Anytime you have to take something simple and make it more complicated, like “who spends the most money” and then you have to change the parameters to come up with an answer to feel better, there’s usually a reason.
It’s like not going by popular vote. You take something simple like “the person with the most votes wins” and you complicate it by going by electoral college, there’s usually a reason.
Considering that the Federal budget is running around $7T, those numbers are not extraordinary.

It's a lot bigger than that. That's not even the full amount of US debt held by foreign counties with China holding around 1T.

The US is way broker than the general public knows about but so is China as they've been lying about their GDP for years and it's purported to be only 40% of what they claim it is. Many experts believe China is on the brink of economic collapse.

Great point. Everyone wins except for the people actually fighting.

Yes :peace:

Anytime you have to take something simple and make it more complicated, like “who spends the most money” and then you have to change the parameters to come up with an answer to feel better, there’s usually a reason.
How is proportioning it to GDP unfair?

Simply saying “we spend the most in dollars” does not address the fact that our economy makes the most dollars.

Calling that a goalpost move might have more to do with the criterion you imposed.

I’m still looking for your reason to cut military spending that is more solid than you don’t like it.
It's a lot bigger than that. That's not even the full amount of US debt held by foreign counties with China holding around 1T.

The US is way broker than the general public knows about but so is China as they've been lying about their GDP for years and it's purported to be only 40% of what they claim it is. Many experts believe China is on the brink of economic collapse.

While you’re describing a real problem, I’m missing how it ties into the topic, which (unless I am mistaken) is US military spending per annum.
I’m still looking for your reason to cut military spending that is more solid than you don’t like it.
My reason is that we waste too much money on shit that don’t matter. How about we take better care of the people coming back and maybe buying one or two less tanks. Maybe we use war as a last resort and don’t go imposing our “free will” on to countries that aren’t interested. Maybe we don’t use our citizens lives to make sure other countries aren’t getting bullied. Maybe we focus more on self defense and less on offense.

Just off the top of my head.
They don't give a shit about pollution. They gonna keep polluting and making cheap products while we destroy our economy jumping head first into green energy. As we invest trillions into figuring everything out and advancing the technology they're gonna laugh. Then they'll just steal our technology that we spent trillions on developing. Personally I think there's far bigger issues than global warming to worry about.

China is the world leader in solar cell tech so it's time the US stole a little of that technology. Turn about is fair play is it not? ;) They've been working much harder to reduce pollution since the Beijing Olympics put that problem on the world stage.
where can it be cut, in your opinion? Right now, having a capable armed service is sorta comforting to me.
Did you see what was done with the tanks and equipment? We do that all time. So people that are freaked out by it, don’t realize that’s normal. It’s just how it’s done. So there’s another spot. Let’s not leave 7 billion in equipment behind.

My reason is that we waste too much money on shit that don’t matter. How about we take better care of the people coming back and maybe buying one or two less tanks. Maybe we use war as a last resort and don’t go imposing our “free will” on to countries that aren’t interested. Maybe we don’t use our citizens lives to make sure other countries aren’t getting bullied. Maybe we focus more on self defense and less on offense.

Just off the top of my head.
I agree with the sentiment. In practice, though, I also think peace is secured through strength.

The other place where I think I agree is that since Korea we have been in only one conflict that is, uhm, defensible. That was the first Gulf war, and we didn’t roll on toward Baghdad because that wasn’t the job. The other instance that maybe makes sense was our participating in the UN operation over what was Yugoslavia. But Vietnam, Iraq part 2, Afghanistan, those were bullshit that killed ours and theirs.
I also think peace is secured through strength.
Why is no one invading China? They show strength in espionage and the ability to produce cost effective goods for the world. If someone invaded China that would disrupt the entire worlds ability to get cost effective goods. (Like the military equipment they make for us)

And they aren’t spending what we’re spending. There’s more than one way to show strength
Why is no one invading China? They show strength in espionage and the ability to produce cost effective goods for the world. If someone invaded that China that would disrupt the entire worlds ability to get cost effective goods. (Like the military equipment they make for us)

And they aren’t spending what we’re spending. There’s more than one way to show strength
Lately they have been getting active militarily. Those folks play a long, long game and I wonder how their new hardware, which is way more than they need to checkmate Russia, figures into the plan.