Will SCOTUS strike down affirmative action

I did not like Trump's approach to the pandemic. He was a denier when it was evident that the virus was real.
Yeah he sucked.

Border security was a problem under Trump but at least he was trying to do something about it instead of just doing nothing.
His approach was brutal. Ripping kids out of their parents arms with no plan on how to get them back together.

And I disagree about him doing anything. He had a shot, remember right before Christmas one year that Graham and Schumer (I think, ill look in a sec) worked and got a deal that was going to give Trump money for his wall, and do things to help our immigration system like hiring hundreds more judges so they could process people far faster. What did he do, he got all those racists like Steven Miller chirping at him about how they were going to be letting in brown people and to not do it, and Trump blew it up.

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But Democrats balked, demanding that the White House provide a pathway to citizenship to 1.8 million young immigrants eligible under the DACA program, those sources said. The White House might have been open to negotiating further, but Democrats were only willing to entertain the massive wall funding figure in exchange for helping the same number of immigrants that Trump embraced in a proposal earlier this year.

The impasse shows how far apart the two sides are ahead of a Friday deadline to fund the government: This could be Trump’s best chance to get wall money, particularly if Democrats win back the House this fall. So the White House is willing to drop its insistence that any immigration deal include major cuts to legal immigration. In the administration‘s view, Democrats are being unreasonable in the face of Trump’s flexibility.

“We sent the minority leaders’ offices a proposal that is pretty fair,” said a White House official. “It seems like Democrats don’t want to take yes for an answer.”

Democrats rejected that characterization.

“The White House proposal gave them everything they asked for while leaving Dreamers in limbo,“ said a senior Democratic aide. “Our counteroffer lined up perfectly with what the president had proposed, but of course, he said no to his own deal. Again.”

There is little incentive for Democrats to give in to Trump’s full border funding request without permanent protections for Dreamers. Their counteroffer was similar to a bipartisan bill that Republicans rejected last month under heavy pressure from Trump and White House officials.

And now there is little chance that the outstanding DACA issue will be resolved this week as part of a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. Trump’s plan to rescind DACA protections is still tied up in the courts, and with no deadline facing Congress, action this year appears less likely by the day.
What meaningful steps have been taking by this administration to stop or slow the problems.
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Also if there is more that we could get done, it would take 60 votes, and the Republicans will not play ball to actually fix this problem once and for all sadly.

We are apprehending more people at the border now because more are coming across.
Im confused, if you are anti-immigration, wouldn't you think that is a good thing that they are catching them?

It sucks that we are not able to just process everyone and get them to places that they could start contributing right away. We have tools we can bring to the table to really get the same economic boom we have had after the racist backlash that came with every other wave of immigration.

I also do not like the policy of remaining here until their cases are hear.
Where would they go? Wouldn't you rather someone who is coming here to start a new life, and help contribute to our society, to get started as soon as possible?

Because most just disappear into the shadows and never show.

But I must say there has to be something better than what we have now.
It really is inexcusable.

We have got a bit of topic. We are now talking about the border when this thread is about affirmative action.
Fair enough, but I already posted this before I read this last post by you lol.
I agree with you. Our immigration policy is broken. It should not take years to get a visa or green card. But the answer can not be just let everyone come over and we will figure it out later.
Here in the Southwest our economy depends on migrant labor. For them to move without breaking our laws, the obvious focus is on our laws. A physical barrier is not the solution. Ask anyone who relies on seasonal labor.

Unfortunately, many populist politicians have preferred to scapegoat and demonize immigrants for crime, especially involving drugs, and straining the system both personally and through indiscriminate breeding. What does not get said is that these same populists have shut down many of the aid programs for poor folk, not only seasonal migrants, for fundamentally racist reasons: taxes from white folk being used to support the brown underclass in sucking the system dry. Sadly, rural voters respond to such propagandizing. I don’t have an easier answer than “don’t vote Republican”, since that is where most of the populists are to be found currently.
I am also dead-set against small-government politicians. They reinforce the vicious cycle of abandoning the poor to their own devices, then blaming them for a host of social ills.
Welcome to RIU politics
Difference between me and a lot of other people is I enjoy a good discussion with others that may or may not share my beliefs. I hope to learn something new everyday. And being closed minded to others opinions or beliefs never solved anything. I have found I have a lot in common with folks I disagree with politically. But I can't even say I disagree with some of you politically. I think we just have different ways of solving our nations problems.
Difference between me and a lot of other people is I enjoy a good discussion with others that may or may not share my beliefs. I hope to learn something new everyday. And being closed minded to others opinions or beliefs never solved anything. I have found I have a lot in common with folks I disagree with politically. But I can't even say I disagree with some of you politically. I think we just have different ways of solving our nations problems.
I agree that it would be good if we kept on topic. We have plenty of threads about the so-called crisis at the border and Trump's wall, cruelty toward people applying for refugee status and so forth but rarely do we discuss affirmative action. I think your OP was interesting.

That said,

Keeping a thread on topic on RIU is like trying to nail jello onto a wall. Its a free-wheeling forum.
I agree that it would be good if we kept on topic. We have plenty of threads about the so-called crisis at the border and Trump's wall, cruelty toward people applying for refugee status and so forth but rarely do we discuss affirmative action. I think your OP was interesting.

That said,

Keeping a thread on topic on RIU is like trying to nail jello onto a wall. Its a free-wheeling forum.
It helps if you let the jell-o dry out and get all leathery.
First it is not the migrant workers that I am concerned with. It is not just Latinos that come across our southern border. There are people from just about every country coming across our borders. But we need border security to slow the flow of drugs and contraband coming across our borders. Second the US border patrol is not the largest law enforcement agency in the US. NYPD currently has 39,000 police officers and over 15,000 civilian employees. Third I am over 50yrs old. I remember reagen, bush, and Clinton. I have no complaints about either President. I also do not trust some of the sources you quoted. They are partisan one way or the other in my opinion. I will reply more in a bit. I am trying to answer everyone's questions.
the entire border patrol has 60K employees, there are 16k on duty along the southern border at all times.
First it is not the migrant workers that I am concerned with. It is not just Latinos that come across our southern border. There are people from just about every country coming across our borders. But we need border security to slow the flow of drugs and contraband coming across our borders. Second the US border patrol is not the largest law enforcement agency in the US. NYPD currently has 39,000 police officers and over 15,000 civilian employees. Third I am over 50yrs old. I remember reagen, bush, and Clinton. I have no complaints about either President. I also do not trust some of the sources you quoted. They are partisan one way or the other in my opinion. I will reply more in a bit. I am trying to answer everyone's questions.
what do you suggest to do about the border situation? they have a lot of agents already there, the wall is useless, it only slows down those same migrant workers you aren't concerned about. do you want moats? they swim the Rio Grande already. machine gun nests? they dig tunnels. land mines? not allowed outside warfare. seriously, it's a two thousand mile border, and much of it is adjacent to nothing...it would require a double wall, constantly patrolled, and you would still have to run constant sonic testing for tunnels. it would be a staggering expense, even more border agents, and would make us look like the gestapo to the rest of the world...like the biggest hypocrites in the world, with a giant statue that says come here if you're oppressed, but you'll have to climb a double wall at gun point to do it...
what do you suggest to do about the border situation? they have a lot of agents already there, the wall is useless, it only slows down those same migrant workers you aren't concerned about. do you want moats? they swim the Rio Grande already. machine gun nests? they dig tunnels. land mines? not allowed outside warfare. seriously, it's a two thousand mile border, and much of it is adjacent to nothing...it would require a double wall, constantly patrolled, and you would still have to run constant sonic testing for tunnels. it would be a staggering expense, even more border agents, and would make us look like the gestapo to the rest of the world...like the biggest hypocrites in the world, with a giant statue that says come here if you're oppressed, but you'll have to climb a double wall at gun point to do it...
The border and it's security is a very complicated and devisive issue. Do I have the answer. No. Do you have the answer? No. Do the Republicans have all the answers? No. Does the Democrats have all the answers? No. But I do believe that if the two parties were to put aside the partisan politics they could come up with a solution that would be manageable. I do know our system is broken. But can we allow everyone in the US that wants to come? No. I wish there was a way to allow everyone here. But it is just not feasible.
Here is one of my main fears with doing away with affirmative action. I believe that a portion of the populous believes there is no racism or bigotry problem in the US. And when you start taking away the tools that are there to stem part of the problem you in turn enforce the idea that racism and bigotry is not a problem anymore and that we are all on an equal playing field. And we are not on equal playing fields in many facets of life especially in our education system. I could go on and on but I need to go pick up one of my grandchildren. I will answer more in a while.
The border and it's security is a very complicated and devisive issue. Do I have the answer. No. Do you have the answer? No. Do the Republicans have all the answers? No. Does the Democrats have all the answers? No. But I do believe that if the two parties were to put aside the partisan politics they could come up with a solution that would be manageable. I do know our system is broken. But can we allow everyone in the US that wants to come? No. I wish there was a way to allow everyone here. But it is just not feasible.
There is nothing the US can do to stop people who are fleeing poverty, crime and tyranny from finding ways into the country. That "wall", which was a really just a fence and and was shaping up to be an environmental disaster, was a boondoggle, not a solution. Most who enter the US illegally arrive at our airports or cross the border on short term visas and stay on.

I'm of the opinion that to stop people south of our border from trying to enter, the reasons they want to leave their country must be addressed. That's not as appealing to some as putting men with guns at the border to hunt down "illegals" and other police actions but it may be necessary to look for a political solution instead of an authoritarian one.

But really. Is 200,000 people caught trying to cross the border in a one year a crisis? A lot of those are the same people trying to re-enter after being caught and returned. They were caught. The system is working.


Is this really a crisis? Is this what you are so worried about?
The border and it's security is a very complicated and devisive issue. Do I have the answer. No. Do you have the answer? No. Do the Republicans have all the answers? No. Does the Democrats have all the answers? No. But I do believe that if the two parties were to put aside the partisan politics they could come up with a solution that would be manageable. I do know our system is broken. But can we allow everyone in the US that wants to come? No. I wish there was a way to allow everyone here. But it is just not feasible.
as far as i can see the democrats keep extending a hand across the table, and the republicans keep trying to smear it with shit...
the republican's idea of negotiations is to force a government shutdown if they don't get what they want...they seem to find something that makes them do it at the end of every budget year. their answer when out maneuvered? they pull a cartmann...they take their ball and go home. they were so pissed about being "tricked" about the infrastructure bill that they shut down a vote on the pact act. they shit on American veterans with serious health conditions, conditions that came from their activities while in the service of their country.
they installed supreme court justices who plainly perjured themselves to gain their positions on the bench, and those same perjurous criminals have the gall to pass judgement on RvW...
look closer, are you sure the democrats are the ones practicing partisan politics?
as far as i can see the democrats keep extending a hand across the table, and the republicans keep trying to smear it with shit...
the republican's idea of negotiations is to force a government shutdown if they don't get what they want...they seem to find something that makes them do it at the end of every budget year. their answer when out maneuvered? they pull a cartmann...they take their ball and go home. they were so pissed about being "tricked" about the infrastructure bill that they shut down a vote on the pact act. they shit on American veterans with serious health conditions, conditions that came from their activities while in the service of their country.
they installed supreme court justices who plainly perjured themselves to gain their positions on the bench, and those same perjurous criminals have the gall to pass judgement on RvW...
look closer, are you sure the democrats are the ones practicing partisan politics?
Brother you keep saying things that make me think that you think I identify with Republicans. I do not. I am truly a middle of the road voter. But are you going to tell me the Democrats have never played partisan politics? Both sides are guilty of it. Do I believe lately the Republicans have been more guilty of it then the Democrats? Yes I do. I would put my vote record up against anyone's. I would be willing to bet that I have a record that is more middle of the political spectrum than most people's. Now as far as the republicans blocking the bill for our service members health in my opinion that was shameful. I am a veteran and served 2 tours overseas. But that is a discussion for another day. Now if anyone wants to know my opinion on any issue I am not ashamed of my beliefs and am willing to share them with anyone. But I am not Republican nor Democrat. I agree with the Democrats on many issues but I also agree with the Republicans on many issues.
Brother you keep saying things that make me think that you think I identify with Republicans. I do not. I am truly a middle of the road voter. But are you going to tell me the Democrats have never played partisan politics? Both sides are guilty of it. Do I believe lately the Republicans have been more guilty of it then the Democrats? Yes I do. I would put my vote record up against anyone's. I would be willing to bet that I have a record that is more middle of the political spectrum than most people's. Now as far as the republicans blocking the bill for our service members health in my opinion that was shameful. I am a veteran and served 2 tours overseas. But that is a discussion for another day. Now if anyone wants to know my opinion on any issue I am not ashamed of my beliefs and am willing to share them with anyone. But I am not Republican nor Democrat. I agree with the Democrats on many issues but I also agree with the Republicans on many issues.
of course democrats have participated in partisan politics, and i don't think you identify with republicans...but you keep saying that the two parties are the same, and they are not the same, they're very different.
the dixiecrats are still in charge of the gop, and they still have the same agenda. segregation, oppression, control.
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I disagree. That man’s wall concept was like so much else: pandering to some of our lowest impulses. What he did to young women (allegedly administering hysterectomies without consent; documented separation and caging of children) is not anything I want our republic to ever be doing.

The real problem imo is the wait time to naturalize. Look at these numbers. There should be no reason why it could not be done in 90 days.

i waited 5? years in limbo for a green card and i did it "correctly" and im married to a goddamn service member, i was allowed to live ON BASE without a greencard as a foreign national but couldnt have a bank account, drive a car, or get a job. because the wait times were so long

... it is fucked up
Here in the Southwest our economy depends on migrant labor. For them to move without breaking our laws, the obvious focus is on our laws. A physical barrier is not the solution. Ask anyone who relies on seasonal labor.

Unfortunately, many populist politicians have preferred to scapegoat and demonize immigrants for crime, especially involving drugs, and straining the system both personally and through indiscriminate breeding. What does not get said is that these same populists have shut down many of the aid programs for poor folk, not only seasonal migrants, for fundamentally racist reasons: taxes from white folk being used to support the brown underclass in sucking the system dry. Sadly, rural voters respond to such propagandizing. I don’t have an easier answer than “don’t vote Republican”, since that is where most of the populists are to be found currently.
I am also dead-set against small-government politicians. They reinforce the vicious cycle of abandoning the poor to their own devices, then blaming them for a host of social ills.
I agree with 99% of this. However on the opposite end of the spectrum from small-government is bloated-government packed with unnecessary bureaucracy and regulations (which are often selectively enforced). There must be some middle ground here.