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Yeah he sucked.I did not like Trump's approach to the pandemic. He was a denier when it was evident that the virus was real.
His approach was brutal. Ripping kids out of their parents arms with no plan on how to get them back together.Border security was a problem under Trump but at least he was trying to do something about it instead of just doing nothing.
And I disagree about him doing anything. He had a shot, remember right before Christmas one year that Graham and Schumer (I think, ill look in a sec) worked and got a deal that was going to give Trump money for his wall, and do things to help our immigration system like hiring hundreds more judges so they could process people far faster. What did he do, he got all those racists like Steven Miller chirping at him about how they were going to be letting in brown people and to not do it, and Trump blew it up.
But Democrats balked, demanding that the White House provide a pathway to citizenship to 1.8 million young immigrants eligible under the DACA program, those sources said. The White House might have been open to negotiating further, but Democrats were only willing to entertain the massive wall funding figure in exchange for helping the same number of immigrants that Trump embraced in a proposal earlier this year.
The impasse shows how far apart the two sides are ahead of a Friday deadline to fund the government: This could be Trump’s best chance to get wall money, particularly if Democrats win back the House this fall. So the White House is willing to drop its insistence that any immigration deal include major cuts to legal immigration. In the administration‘s view, Democrats are being unreasonable in the face of Trump’s flexibility.
“We sent the minority leaders’ offices a proposal that is pretty fair,” said a White House official. “It seems like Democrats don’t want to take yes for an answer.”
Democrats rejected that characterization.
“The White House proposal gave them everything they asked for while leaving Dreamers in limbo,“ said a senior Democratic aide. “Our counteroffer lined up perfectly with what the president had proposed, but of course, he said no to his own deal. Again.”
There is little incentive for Democrats to give in to Trump’s full border funding request without permanent protections for Dreamers. Their counteroffer was similar to a bipartisan bill that Republicans rejected last month under heavy pressure from Trump and White House officials.
And now there is little chance that the outstanding DACA issue will be resolved this week as part of a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. Trump’s plan to rescind DACA protections is still tied up in the courts, and with no deadline facing Congress, action this year appears less likely by the day.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/15/action-the-biden-harris-administration-has-taken-to-address-the-border-challenge/What meaningful steps have been taking by this administration to stop or slow the problems.

Also if there is more that we could get done, it would take 60 votes, and the Republicans will not play ball to actually fix this problem once and for all sadly.
Im confused, if you are anti-immigration, wouldn't you think that is a good thing that they are catching them?We are apprehending more people at the border now because more are coming across.
It sucks that we are not able to just process everyone and get them to places that they could start contributing right away. We have tools we can bring to the table to really get the same economic boom we have had after the racist backlash that came with every other wave of immigration.
Where would they go? Wouldn't you rather someone who is coming here to start a new life, and help contribute to our society, to get started as soon as possible?I also do not like the policy of remaining here until their cases are hear.
https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/news/11-years-government-data-reveal-immigrants-do-show-courtBecause most just disappear into the shadows and never show.
It really is inexcusable.But I must say there has to be something better than what we have now.
Fair enough, but I already posted this before I read this last post by you lol.We have got a bit of topic. We are now talking about the border when this thread is about affirmative action.