I thought this was America?

I really gotta cut down on the number of sock puppets :lol:

97% of that 5.25% is mobile… I hate to burst my or anyone’s bubble but nah, visits is not visitors, it’s devices making requests to connect, or more specifically bots on devices. NL is third in list because of our infrastructure (one of largest internet exchanges in the world, many data centers including the ultimate sources of spam bots like AWS). Similar reason SA is 2nd, spammers heaven.
But if the US is the only Country to do it then what have we truly gained.
A familiar argument in many countries which already nullifies the argument but in case of the US, the second-most co2 emitting country, that would at the very least gain more time to save the planet. But then it’s just hypothetical, in reality the US is not the only country moving towards cleaner energy. Aside from an emission reduction the decade before Trump, largely caused by switching to a less evil fossil fuel, it’s not like the US, number 1 co2 emitter per capita, is a frontrunner in this matter. Of the 90% largest offenders, only a few countries rank worse when it comes to greenhouse gas emission, renewable energy, policy and energy use (like Canada, Iran, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Russia). Another thing the US will have truly gained, is a position to advice and even demand from others to do the same. Put differently, the world really needs the US to be one of many, nobody is asking them to be the only one.
Only China ranks worse in current gh emissions. Really only because they manufacture most consumer goods used here.
They don't give a shit about pollution. They gonna keep polluting and making cheap products while we destroy our economy jumping head first into green energy. As we invest trillions into figuring everything out and advancing the technology they're gonna laugh. Then they'll just steal our technology that we spent trillions on developing. Personally I think there's far bigger issues than global warming to worry about.
They don't give a shit about pollution. They gonna keep polluting and making cheap products while we destroy our economy jumping head first into green energy. As we invest trillions into figuring everything out and advancing the technology they're gonna laugh. Then they'll just steal our technology that we spent trillions on developing. Personally I think there's far bigger issues than global warming to worry about.

The over 3000 US Corporations operating in China.

Like Corporate greed without concern?
Personally I think there's far bigger issues than global warming to worry about.

Until the war started in Ukraine global warming was on top of my list and still is so I have 2 issues in the #1 spot now. Can soon add N. Korea in there as well.

We are on the brink of environmental collapse with so many factors on the tipping point that once one goes down so do the rest like the house of cards we have built for ourselves.

The US can help without doing a thing if the super volcano in Yellowstone lets go as many believe it is preparing to do. It will cause temperatures all over the world to drop with resulting crop failures worldwide. The resulting famines will reduce the population drastically which will have the benefit of reducing CO2 output drastically. Sad that up to 100 million Americans could die from the initial blast and possibly a lot of Canadians too depending on which way the wind is blowing when the event happens but such is nature.

With temperature rise now estimated to reach 2.5 degrees by 2050 instead of the hoped for max of 1.5 it may take an event like a super volcano eruption somewhere in the world to turn this ship around before it ends up on the rocks.

I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. If WWIII starts we won't have to worry about any of this anymore. ;)

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Until the war started in Ukraine global warming was on top of my list and still is so I have 2 issues in the #1 spot now. Can soon add N. Korea in there as well.

We are on the brink of environmental collapse with so many factors on the tipping point that once one goes down so do the rest like the house of cards we have built for ourselves.

The US can help without doing a thing if the super volcano in Yellowstone lets go as many believe it is preparing to do. It will cause temperatures all over the world to drop with resulting crop failures worldwide. The resulting famines will reduce the population drastically which will have the benefit of reducing CO2 output drastically. Sad that up to 100 million Americans could die from the initial blast and possibly a lot of Canadians too depending on which way the wind is blowing when the event happens but such is nature.

With temperature rise now estimated to reach 2.5 degrees by 2050 instead of the hoped for max of 1.5 it may take an event like a super volcano eruption somewhere in the world to turn this ship around before it ends up on the rocks.

I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. If WWIII starts we won't have to worry about any of his anymore. ;)

They don't give a shit about pollution. They gonna keep polluting and making cheap products while we destroy our economy jumping head first into green energy. As we invest trillions into figuring everything out and advancing the technology they're gonna laugh. Then they'll just steal our technology that we spent trillions on developing. Personally I think there's far bigger issues than global warming to worry about.
I bet you'll definitely recognize global warming when it hits your wallet. My home has been changed from a Flood Zone B to a Flood Zone A, meaning much higher insurance and more frequent mandatory evacuations as the insurers leave the state.

Take a look at the military assessment of global warming. Think about an unmanageable population of many millions more refugees. This is more certain than a pandemic.
Only China ranks worse in current gh emissions. Really only because they manufacture most consumer goods used here.
That’s total, per capita they do not rank worse. China isn’t doing that bad overall either, better than some european nations, US and Japan for example. There’s a lot of bad things to say about China, but in some ways they’re not the ones slacking at all,

It would be a bonus to see some manufacturing moving out of China closer to the buyers in the west but unfortunately for that cause, yet fortunately for the climate, they might not need as much pressure as deniers in the west want us to believe. If we don’t take enough action now we might end up in a future where manufacturing will stay in China cause it’s not only cheaper but cleaner. Energy is big business and they know it. In the west people still need to be convinced it creates jobs and prosperity and then still it’s mostly just an argument to convince deniers of taking action for more critical reasons rather than a goal by itself. The west got spoiled and lazy. Ironically, we’re the capitalists and they’re the communists… I guess that requires knowledge of the origins of capitalism to make sense but the point is, it’s unpatriotic to obstruct and not participate in cleaner energy.
I bet you'll definitely recognize global warming when it hits your wallet. My home has been changed from a Flood Zone B to a Flood Zone A, meaning much higher insurance and more frequent mandatory evacuations as the insurers leave the state.

Take a look at the military assessment of global warming. Think about an unmanageable population of many millions more refugees. This is more certain than a pandemic.
I recognize it and agree we should work towards cleaner energy and everything. But I don't think we should be rushing into it so fast. With the stuff our adversaries are doing right now I think we should be spending more on the military.
I recognize it and agree we should work towards cleaner energy and everything. But I don't think we should be rushing into it so fast. With the stuff our adversaries are doing right now I think we should be spending more on the military.
Yes because the 780 billion in 2022 isn’t enough :roll: And over 800 billion for next year. Yes we need to spend MORE on the military:wall:
I recognize it and agree we should work towards cleaner energy and everything. But I don't think we should be rushing into it so fast. With the stuff our adversaries are doing right now I think we should be spending more on the military.
I believe there is a global warming budget in the defense budget now. They are obligated to take it seriously.

Governments around the world are routinely corrupted by the energy industry. We should and could have been moving toward this goal decades ago. This is NOT FAST. We are way behind.
where can it be cut, in your opinion? Right now, having a capable armed service is sorta comforting to me.
Without knowing where every penny or even dollar goes how could anyone answer that question.

Govt waste is horrible. On govt jobs equipment is intentionally destroyed or “broken“ so that their budget isn’t cut. So I’m sure there are plenty of places to cut. But then you wouldn’t be “comforted” which is the thinking of most.