I just can't

^ I just love electric school buses too, like Kamala does. I just love when the batteries randomly short out and catch fire, burning up all the other school buses up at the charging barn too. Like a chain reaction of expensive taxpayer fireworks to light up the sky! So pretty! Diesel is yucky, eww!

No transportation for kids across the nation to get to school now, because the top bin batteries were already bought out by large corporations? No big deal! They can ride a virtual bus to the online academy. The government issued VR headsets will even scan the iris to verify it's actually your kid, so you will know they aren't skipping out, while your at the electric train amazon station hub just down the street, working for 16 hours a day greasing robots...
I smell a gorilla… anyone else ? Smells like retread to me. Same dumb glare in the headlight logic. Same reliance on decades old debunked silliness
I smell a gorilla… anyone else ? Smells like retread to me. Same dumb glare in the headlight logic. Same reliance on decades old debunked silliness
You would think,but my cousins brother in law actually slooges the grease on the gears of the old firmament mechanism.