Will SCOTUS strike down affirmative action


Well-Known Member
This is an issue that is not getting much play but is close to my heart. As a Native American (who looks white) that has been married to a black woman for over 20 years and have raised 2 black son's this is a hot button issue for me. I hope that the court does not strike it down. I have a lot more to say about this issue but am curious to see what others have to say and see some others opinions.
This is an issue that is not getting much play but is close to my heart. As a Native American (who looks white) that has been married to a black woman for over 20 years and have raised 2 black son's this is a hot button issue for me. I hope that the court does not strike it down. I have a lot more to say about this issue but am curious to see what others have to say and see some others opinions.
I’m more afraid of what they might do to Brown v Board of Education.
I’m more afraid of what they might do to Brown v Board of Education.
I do not think we are in jeopardy of that happening. But is it a concern of mine? Yes it is. I think our supreme court has went to far to the right. We need a court that is more in line with the majority's opinions and we need term limits. But I also believe we need term limits for all politicians. I do not believe we should have career politicians. But that is a different subject for another thread.
This is an issue that is not getting much play but is close to my heart. As a Native American (who looks white) that has been married to a black woman for over 20 years and have raised 2 black son's this is a hot button issue for me. I hope that the court does not strike it down. I have a lot more to say about this issue but am curious to see what others have to say and see some others opinions.
I hope so.
I do not think we are in jeopardy of that happening. But is it a concern of mine? Yes it is. I think our supreme court has went to far to the right. We need a court that is more in line with the majority's opinions and we need term limits. But I also believe we need term limits for all politicians. I do not believe we should have career politicians. But that is a different subject for another thread.
I’m ambivalent about term limits. They sometimes pitch out the baby with the bathwater.
Now that this Scotus has sunk Roe, I see no boundary to how far they can go. I’m especially appalled by Thomas not recusing himself when his wife is hip-deep in sedition.
I have to agree. Why so cryptic? And I still don't know what the obvious reasons are. Maybe I am just not up to speed.
When I was in grad school, I remember colleagues complaining that affirmative action was fighting discrimination with more discrimination.
From my older, wiser perch, what was built into their contention was that the playing field was even.

Well, there is a big difference between discrimination being illegal and it not happening. The quick test is to try buying into a white neighborhood and seeing how your agent is gonna treat you. Oh and the bank, etc.

The reason today’s Republicans are so offended by critical race theory is because it describes political and economic reality in the home of the free. Whupped dogs holler.
This is an issue that is not getting much play but is close to my heart. As a Native American (who looks white) that has been married to a black woman for over 20 years and have raised 2 black son's this is a hot button issue for me. I hope that the court does not strike it down. I have a lot more to say about this issue but am curious to see what others have to say and see some others opinions.
Yeah unfortunately after listen to the SCOTUS right wing activists tone and questions, it is not looking good for universities to be able to use their judgment in helping our minority communities to overcome the vast imbalance in higher education.

I heard Thomas say something along the lines of 'I don't even know what diversity means'. And the others going on about at what point is enough diversity enough. It was pretty sick to listen to how willfully ignorant they were being.
Yeah unfortunately after listen to the SCOTUS right wing activists tone and questions, it is not looking good for universities to be able to use their judgment in helping our minority communities to overcome the vast imbalance in higher education.

I heard Thomas say something along the lines of 'I don't even know what diversity means'. And the others going on about at what point is enough diversity enough. It was pretty sick to listen to how willfully ignorant they were being.
I must agree with you. That is why I said earlier that SCOTUS was to far right for my taste. Affirmative Action was relevant when it was made law and is still relevant even today. In my opinion racism and bigotry is on the rise in this country. I am truly afraid of what this country will look like after we are gone. I have 5 grandchildren that are American Indian and black and I worry about them on a daily basis in this racial climate we have today.
I must agree with you. That is why I said earlier that SCOTUS was to far right for my taste. Affirmative Action was relevant when it was made law and is still relevant even today.
Yeah this court is trying to pretend like it is a good time to end all the tools we as a society have developed to combat 220 years of devastation to these communities. And it is not.

In my opinion racism and bigotry is on the rise in this country. I am truly afraid of what this country will look like after we are gone. I have 5 grandchildren that are American Indian and black and I worry about them on a daily basis in this racial climate we have today.
I agree that bigotry has slid out from under the rock it was hiding from, but I am not so sure it is actually a bigger problem than before. We are still better than at any other point in not so near history (percentage of actual racism as a number of people and degree of it).

I would rather be your kids today than ever before in American history man. It might not seem like it, because of the extremely powerful amplifier of everything horrible that the internet is bringing to us 24/7, and school shootings, and the radicalized domestic terrorists being triggered by the very sophisticated attack being conducted on us to the benefit of the Republican Party. God, what was I saying.. Oh yeah.

But it is still far better than it was as recently as the 90's. And this is not to say it is not bad in those rare instances that it becomes more than just the good old purse clutch, you are right to keep you and your families' heads on swivels.

God, and all these idiots with guns thinking they are bringing the revolution.

lol never-mind man, sometimes worrying is the right thing to do. But I still have hope, even if the Republicans win some chambers in this election, if they screw us by dragging down our economy by shutting down the government (again), they will pay in 2024. So we shall see.
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