Any lawyers out there that want to take down a pos website you is with holding health info from people?


Well-Known Member
I'm on a message board website that is for people with tinnitus. I'm also on a FB forum that is free and has helped me dealing with my tinnitus by doing certain things... Well I tried to post a message on this tinnitus website about the forum on FB that is free that has helped me and they keep deleting my posts. Its almost like they don't want people to get better or leave there message board.
I'm on a message board website that is for people with tinnitus. I'm also on a FB forum that is free and has helped me dealing with my tinnitus by doing certain things... Well I tried to post a message on this tinnitus website about the forum on FB that is free that has helped me and they keep deleting my posts. Its almost like they don't want people to get better or leave there message board.

I am into classic Volkswagens. In 2006 I joined a forum called Volkszone. Up to about 2012 it was the biggest and busiest VW forum in Europe. Then ever so slowly it began to dwindle, now it gets about 10 posts a week, down from about 10,000 a day. All of the people moved over to Faceache based groups. Facebook isn't nearly as good as a dedicated forum, but it appeals to the masses and the hard of thinking.

Facebook is the scourge of internet. It has sucked the life out of it. I can see why the owners of that website don't want FB links.
I'm on a message board website that is for people with tinnitus. I'm also on a FB forum that is free and has helped me dealing with my tinnitus by doing certain things... Well I tried to post a message on this tinnitus website about the forum on FB that is free that has helped me and they keep deleting my posts. Its almost like they don't want people to get better or leave there message board.
Why do you want to force private entities to have relationships they don't want to have? Pretty fascist.
Tinnitus sucks... I've lived with it for nearly 16 years now. Good luck!
Me too and it sure does.

Mine flared up about 4-5 years ago and I finally broke down 3 years ago and went to a specialist, and got Widex hearing aids. They have helped so much. They have an app that you can fine tune them and it's great.

It still bothers me at times but so much less. Stress is my downfall, hence keeping my life low stress is my priority!!

Why do you want to force private entities to have relationships they don't want to have? Pretty fascist.

lol. he is trying to help other people with a horrid condition.

But I'd say the website is probably in it for one thing. Profits! Like most of them. Not much you can deo....Start your own website or group maybe. I use to get spammed with so much tinnitus b.s., and 99.9% of it is pure bullshit. They are preying on desperate people!
Me too and it sure does.

Mine flared up about 4-5 years ago and I finally broke down 3 years ago and went to a specialist, and got Widex hearing aids. They have helped so much. They have an app that you can fine tune them and it's great.

It still bothers me at times but so much less. Stress is my downfall, hence keeping my life low stress is my priority!!

lol. he is trying to help other people with a horrid condition.

But I'd say the website is probably in it for one thing. Profits! Like most of them. Not much you can deo....Start your own website or group maybe. I use to get spammed with so much tinnitus b.s., and 99.9% of it is pure bullshit. They are preying on desperate people!
So instead of starting his own platform that he can run how he sees fit, he wants to force another private organization to be run how he sees fit. Got it
Me too and it sure does.

Mine flared up about 4-5 years ago and I finally broke down 3 years ago and went to a specialist, and got Widex hearing aids. They have helped so much. They have an app that you can fine tune them and it's great.

It still bothers me at times but so much less. Stress is my downfall, hence keeping my life low stress is my priority!!

lol. he is trying to help other people with a horrid condition.

But I'd say the website is probably in it for one thing. Profits! Like most of them. Not much you can deo....Start your own website or group maybe. I use to get spammed with so much tinnitus b.s., and 99.9% of it is pure bullshit. They are preying on desperate people!

My tinnitus is reactive to sound so I don't know if they would work.
So instead of starting his own platform that he can run how he sees fit, he wants to force another private organization to be run how he sees fit. Got it

They said they make no money although they have 40k members. They said they can barely stay afloat... They are gonna let me post it after I threatened I told them my crazy Aunt is a lawyer and has nothing better to do and is bored with her 3 dogs and 2 cats. My aunt is not a lawyer btw hahaha.
Me too and it sure does.

Mine flared up about 4-5 years ago and I finally broke down 3 years ago and went to a specialist, and got Widex hearing aids. They have helped so much. They have an app that you can fine tune them and it's great.

It still bothers me at times but so much less. Stress is my downfall, hence keeping my life low stress is my priority!!

lol. he is trying to help other people with a horrid condition.

But I'd say the website is probably in it for one thing. Profits! Like most of them. Not much you can deo....Start your own website or group maybe. I use to get spammed with so much tinnitus b.s., and 99.9% of it is pure bullshit. They are preying on desperate people!

Seen you a PM
Been living with Tinnitus my whole life, not much they can do about it. Had a horrible time with my ears when I was young, tubes in, tubes out surgically, then each ear drum repaired with skin graphs. My biggest problem now later in life is having to get my ears flushed because of the wax buildup due to scar tissue.
I combat it at work by wearing my earbuds all day and listening to music or talk radio. It sucks, but I've learned to live with it, and it really doesn't bother me unless I think about it.
I completely understand where it would drive some people crazy.
They said they make no money although they have 40k members. They said they can barely stay afloat... They are gonna let me post it after I threatened I told them my crazy Aunt is a lawyer and has nothing better to do and is bored with her 3 dogs and 2 cats. My aunt is not a lawyer btw hahaha.
It's a private website, they hold no obligations to you, your needs, or your non-existent crazy lawyer-Aunt.
Been living with Tinnitus my whole life, not much they can do about it. Had a horrible time with my ears when I was young, tubes in, tubes out surgically, then each ear drum repaired with skin graphs. My biggest problem now later in life is having to get my ears flushed because of the wax buildup due to scar tissue.
I combat it at work by wearing my earbuds all day and listening to music or talk radio. It sucks, but I've learned to live with it, and it really doesn't bother me unless I think about it.
I completely understand where it would drive some people crazy.

I flush my ears at home with peroxide.. If you want I will give u a step by step on how to... Well I don't flush them just put peroxide in each ear for about 10 mins then flush them in the shower. I do this once a month or every 6 weeks.
I flush my ears at home with peroxide.. If you want I will give u a step by step on how to... Well I don't flush them just put peroxide in each ear for about 10 mins then flush them in the shower. I do this once a month or every 6 weeks.
I wish it worked for me, they cut my ear canals open to do the skin graphs on my ear drums and when they healed, they didn't heal straight and have scar tissue build up. They literally have to "power wash" my canals to get the wax out, if I try to do it at home, 9 out of 10 times I just make it worse or clog my canals then I have to go in and have it done, which is no big deal to me. The scar tissue is the major culprit, it "sheds" and doesn't like to become mobile until they either power flush them, or go in and use suction to get the tissue to release.
Appreciate you trying to help though!!!!!!!!
I'm on a message board website that is for people with tinnitus. I'm also on a FB forum that is free and has helped me dealing with my tinnitus by doing certain things... Well I tried to post a message on this tinnitus website about the forum on FB that is free that has helped me and they keep deleting my posts. Its almost like they don't want people to get better or leave there message board.
I feel you. There's a froyo shop down the road that doesn't carry cold brew coffee, or any coffee for that matter. They don't seem to listen to my complaints so I'm going to copy what you did and see if threatening them with a lawyer will finally get themto make coffee for me. Keep fighting the good fight!
The real question is what is your tinnitus from?

Neck and tmj issues... I've had sports injuries for over 20 years and my neck muscles became weak... Im doing this online FB group that you get rid of the trigger points with a massager and massage the SCM muscles and its helping. My posture has improved in front of my own eyes too. Tinnitus went from 12 non annoying days a month to almost 20. Home PT too helped.
I feel you. There's a froyo shop down the road that doesn't carry cold brew coffee, or any coffee for that matter. They don't seem to listen to my complaints so I'm going to copy what you did and see if threatening them with a lawyer will finally get themto make coffee for me. Keep fighting the good fight!

Way different circumstances, but thanks