Im all for Mexicans that want to come here to work and believe me.. they work harder than anybody. I've had 2 roofs in 4 years (thank you Oklahoma hail storms!).. and those guys can strip a 12/12 pitch roof, and replace it in 24 hours (total time, 2 days) in 105 degree weather. I really wanted to help these guys out as much as possible. I set up a 36 inch mister fan for them, they didn't use it. I saw them hauling packs of shingles up a ladder one at a time. I offered to have them load 20 packs in my John Deere front end loader and elevate them to the roofline. They appreciated it. Next morning they were knocking on my window asking for the loader help, it was fucking hot outside. I was glad to do it for them. They do better work if you can speak some spanish too. Kinda bonded us. The crew leader told me in very broken english that thier van had a coolant leak, and needed to go get parts. I told him in spanish "give me your keys, we'll fix it" I drove it over to my shop and cut the lines and put a patch in 2 places just because I appreciated thier hard work. Didn't cost them anything. I had the parts in my shop. I'd sit with them under the shade trees during siesta time and talk with them about thier work, and daily life.. mostly in spanish, but im not fluent. Very grateful for those guys. Perfect work.