Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I think I'm going to be sick...
I will pay you to NEVER mention that foul slop again.
Not to worry.

This was for informational purposes only.

I'm not a big fan of fancy chocolates.

My wife made sweet potato and chocolate brownies tonight. It's a first time recipe.

I don't have the heart to tell her they stink.
Hitting animated emoticon
When my back started giving me issue and things like breaker bars were no longer really a safe option for me to use I decided to go the way of every auto shop I've ever been in and got impact drills for everything. I have a small one for things like oil plugs and small to medium bolts and I have a larger, wall plug one that I use for stuff like lug nuts and bigger. Nothing quite as satisfying as that sound of <tddtddtddtddtddtdd> and the bolt comes out. Especially when you remember a few years ago wrestling with the same bolt for three hours, rounded out the edges, drilled it out, and had to go buy a replacement bolt for the one you completely shredded to unusable.
i never used an impact drill until this year. What a great tool. Sure beats broken hands and arthritis.