I think things are a lot more complicated than that. I stay simple. I know the only thing I can change is myself. There will always be corruption and government will always serve the wealthy. otherwise there wouldn't be them, the rich. I don't know what a world without the wealthy looks like, I'm actually kind of curious what it would be like but I also know reality. Our planet is in dire straits far beyond our financial institution and lawmakers mucking around.
An example, when I live in LA circa 2012 (I actually went back recently to clean a storage unit.) Every day I'd hike up Nichols Canyon, near Hollywood. Great hike, few people knew about it... took you out on a jetty with a view of all of Los Angeles. It was hard to comprehend at first but looking out over that valley, I remembered... 300 years ago there was nothing in that valley. Just bushes and trees and dirt and animals. For 4 billion years.
In 300 years we did all that? Five or so miles on the opposite side of Mullholland drive is a view of 'the valley'. Same thing. And this is one major metropolitan area in our country. This planet isn't going to have voting, or rich people, or anything ..sooner than I think most realize.
**Some more math. 9 billion people on the planet. Everybody shits once a day. 9 billion piles of shit a day. Where is all that shit going to?