I'm still learning what they take up and when, all I get (could be wrong) is during the stretch they use a lot of nitrogen and when they start to fatten up is when they use up the phosphorous. Not sure when this Potassium plays into the grow, maybe during the whole flowering stage. Heck the plant knows better what it needs and when better than I'll ever know, beauty of organics, the plant grabs from the soil what it needs when it needs it. If you have some kind of amendment there it seems like a microbial boost viia a compost tea speeds up the breakdown process. Maybe a little carbon, via sugars can speed up the process as well. This
fermented fruit juice that I just got wind of might be the ticket for that quicker picker upper. An organic solution to feed the plant and the soil on the same feed. Like mentioned above already, make sure you have that base of dry amendments in place beforehand.