Mass Medical Strains

I wrote this up recently, to clear the air on some rumors and misconceptions. Check it out, have a read. Here's a link to it for future reference.

There are various rumors about Mass Medical Strains that have been spread through the community. They are untrue and are often perpetuated by liars and haters, or told by others who have been misled, etc. Here are the facts. Please share this with anybody who might need to read it.

Rumor: Star Pupil is stolen and renamed.
Truth: I created Star Pupil by crossing two strains myself. It was a cross made in my first grow using genetics gifted by a friend, crossing Thai x Afghani/Pakistani plants. This was before I was even in the online community. I wasn’t trying to become a breeder, I just wanted to make seeds so I could continue growing. It turned out better than I ever imagined! Star Pupil is a unique strain I created, and has traits that haven’t been found in any of the genetics that various other people have claimed to be SP. If you grow them side by side you will see that SP is in fact much different. At least Four breeders have claimed SP was their creation, stolen and renamed. This obviously cannot be true, how could it be four different things from four different people? Star Pupil is also very different than the strains they claim it to be made from! It’s been wrongfully claimed by Melvanetics to be Buckeye Purple, JD to be Blueberry, Dynasty to be ?? (Various versions of this rumor exist), and Dojo to be Ninja Fruit. Growers who grow any of these strains along SP can easily see that Star Pupil is NOT related to these genetics and have different growth habits, water and nitrogen sensitivities, flower qualities and medicinal traits, completely different terpene profiles, effects and more. Many differences can be seen even on lab reports as well. The most they might share in common is a purple color. That’d be like saying all green weed on earth is related to one parent. I have even been growing various purple lines to see if anything similar to SP exist in other genetics, so far none have been the same as my unique creation!

Rumor: MMS stole from Dynasty or others and renames work
Truth: I always provide full lineage and credit to all breeders who’s plants are used in crosses I make. I’ve shown tons of males and breeding projects in real time as they happened. Over 140 of my releases are well-documented on I did create some crosses with some dynasty plants from seeds I purchased and bred with around 2017/18. These crosses were all labeled specifically as the crosses they were, giving credit to the dynasty strain used as male, eg. some strains were crossed to his blue magoo bx2. You can see those crosses documented online and credit to dynasty genetics was given for the males used in crosses. Dynasty was unhappy that these crosses were being sold, so I respectfully discontinued them and gave the rest away for free and I am no longer interested in this breeders genetics in any work going forward. Nothing was stolen, only some crosses were made with purchased seeds, crossed to strains of mine and others. These are no longer available and have not been for a few years already. I do not wish to breed with any strains involving people who aren’t happy about it, so I put it all in the past.
One time I gave out some last freebie packs from one of those crosses as surprise genetics without the lineage written, because I didn’t want to advertise for someone who had slandered my name. I then realized that wasn’t the best move so I apologized to him directly and explained my intentions. This was the one time when my emotions got involved and I left out the genetics information that should have been included with the seeds. Besides that, I have always included the lineages of all my genetics.

Rumor: MMS stole Acapulco Gold… (various forms of this rumor exist)
Truth: I have produced Acapulco Gold seeds and both sold them and given them out for free. The first batch was produced from a mix of AG genetics from Bodhi Seeds and a further generation of Bodhi’s stock given to me by Woodstock. When I began to sell those seeds I made, (after months of public announcements) Woodstock claimed I was not allowed to sell them and that it was somehow stolen genetics or not allowed to be sold. I was never aware they were not to be sold, and had even been updating Woodstock (and the public on IG) on the progress of the project the entire time! Nonetheless, I stopped the seedbanks from selling the seeds in less than 24 hours when Woodstock said you can not sell them. Yet Woodstock kept complaining and spreading hate. It was very unexpected and sad. The rest we decided to give out for free, over 1000 packs! Bodhi was always in support of my working with his Acapulco Gold seeds and gave me more AG seeds personally after this happened, with his blessing for MMS to make more seeds and to sell them for the community to have access to this rare genetic. I have released more of the seeds for sale, sold out, and have another batch coming soon (late 2022). The second batch for sale, I also donated a significant portion of the proceeds toward charity, funding an additional four more wells to be built in India in communities that don’t have access to clean water.

(A note about my perspective on selling landrace genetics: The goal of these seed reproductions is to give the community access to rare, pure, landrace genetics, plain and simple, so they can be enjoyed by many, rather than lost to time. I hope to see more people selling landrace genetics for the community so they can be found and enjoyed by people who want them. As freebies they often end up in the hands of the wrong growers who have no interest in these long flowering varieties, and then people who do want them can’t find them for sale once they’ve all been given away. Some people view freebies as inferior and place value on what they purchase. If people/companies do not sell landrace genetics pure, they will become more and more difficult to find. I also encourage people who get them to make more seeds, and get them further out into the community wether it’s for sale, trade, free, or all of the above!)

Rumor: MMS screwed over Indian Landrace Exchange/ Irrazin
Truth: Irrazin and I are great friends to this day and have accomplished amazing things together with our collaborations. We have also done a podcast together about our Swabi project which you can listen to. I’ve done a lot of exciting work with the Swabi Pakistani Landrace from Irrazin, and I donated 80% of the proceeds of the pure Swabi Pakistani reproduction to Irrazin and the Nanda Devi Cannabis Library, funding its entire construction! This has been another great partnership spreading rare genetics among the community!

Rumor: MMS sells untested seeds.
Truth: All MMS strains are fully tested, and have as much information and photographs as possible! I include detailed descriptions of each, so you can figure out which seeds are best for you. Most strains include comprehensive lab reports, showing the cannabinoids and terpene profiles. Lots of information on every seed release can be seen on seedfinder, and my website,, highlights many of the strains in further detail. Additional lab reports can be seen in my Discord server. I am passionate about my creations and I enjoy growing them out and describing them before they are ever sold! They are also tested in additional gardens, by home growers and on commercial scale, for more feedback and information!

Many breeders have various rumors around them and most of them are simply not true at all! If you see people buying into these rumors please link them to this document so they can read the facts. People don’t always get the full picture. Rumors are always emerging and changing, so do not believe anything you hear about anyone without seeing direct evidence and proof. Additionally, if you are in question of something, you can just grow the plants and see for yourself.

All of the situations happened in the past and I’ve left them in the past. This statement is not meant to attack anyone, complain, or call anyone out. I’ve done my best to respect everyone’s positions and move forward positively. We as a community should be coming together to accomplish great things, rather than fighting each other. We are all here for the love of this amazing plant, so let’s act like it! Respect."
They were both to do with preservation projects. They were gone over ad nauseam in old mms threads.

Lots of people do ad hominem attacks…whatever. There are plenty of other things to dislike. He is just trying to sell an image and seeds. I just dislike it when that image actually harms the community and the gene pool.

I’ll give you an example beyond the genetic issue…one time I asked him how he amends his soil…he replied he doesn’t he uses fresh soil each time(not exact words he made it more flowery). Later on I found my response deleted and I’m blocked. My question didn’t fit his narrative. Also he says he “breeds with intention” constantly but I don’t see any intention anywhere…he just makes crosses…he isn’t furthering any lines…he isnt trying to get Y trait with X trait. I mean he isn’t doing anything that anyone else isnt…..he just wraps himself in virtue. Which for some reason TO ME makes it much worse than what other people are doing.

I've always been clear that I use new soil each indoor run and then use it again outdoor. I definitely wouldnt block anybody over differences in ideas of growing methods. I try to be as mindful as I can not to waste, my used soil gets put into big containers outdoor and has grown a few years worth of amazing plants in the sun, reamended once a season!
As far as breeding intentions, I pair the plants that I do, for specific reasons, I often share them and you can ask me my intentions on each project and my thinking behind the selections and combinations. I am breeding for specific traits, effects, etc. "with intention" ;)

If I blocked you, it may have been for something stupid, I was blocking people who I saw supporting people who were threatening me and stuff, stupid drama and overreactions, sorry to anyone who I had done that to. I no longer care about internet drama.

AG is what we call a selective open pollination. It's an open pollination with a little bit of selection, my only selection is that I chose to remove hermaphrodites, which some would say is a good thing. That's your call, you don't have to grow em, if you prefer a version with higher herm rate you can look elsewhere, it's a rare gene pool regardless and I want to spread it more. Yes, bodhi and woodstock gave them out for free, and yes, I sell them! Landraces should be available, wether for sale or free, you can choose who to support and I do give tons of seeds away for free as well. Still, it costs money to do things, and work deserves compensation, so you vote with your dollar sometimes. Just because something is for sale doesn't mean its about greed or profit. My work is my passion or I'd have left the scene long ago, I'm obsessed with breeding and seed making and we've done a lot of amazing things for so many people <3
I wrote this up recently, to clear the air on some rumors and misconceptions. Check it out, have a read. Here's a link to it for future reference.

There are various rumors about Mass Medical Strains that have been spread through the community. They are untrue and are often perpetuated by liars and haters, or told by others who have been misled, etc. Here are the facts. Please share this with anybody who might need to read it.

Rumor: Star Pupil is stolen and renamed.
Truth: I created Star Pupil by crossing two strains myself. It was a cross made in my first grow using genetics gifted by a friend, crossing Thai x Afghani/Pakistani plants. This was before I was even in the online community. I wasn’t trying to become a breeder, I just wanted to make seeds so I could continue growing. It turned out better than I ever imagined! Star Pupil is a unique strain I created, and has traits that haven’t been found in any of the genetics that various other people have claimed to be SP. If you grow them side by side you will see that SP is in fact much different. At least Four breeders have claimed SP was their creation, stolen and renamed. This obviously cannot be true, how could it be four different things from four different people? Star Pupil is also very different than the strains they claim it to be made from! It’s been wrongfully claimed by Melvanetics to be Buckeye Purple, JD to be Blueberry, Dynasty to be ?? (Various versions of this rumor exist), and Dojo to be Ninja Fruit. Growers who grow any of these strains along SP can easily see that Star Pupil is NOT related to these genetics and have different growth habits, water and nitrogen sensitivities, flower qualities and medicinal traits, completely different terpene profiles, effects and more. Many differences can be seen even on lab reports as well. The most they might share in common is a purple color. That’d be like saying all green weed on earth is related to one parent. I have even been growing various purple lines to see if anything similar to SP exist in other genetics, so far none have been the same as my unique creation!

Rumor: MMS stole from Dynasty or others and renames work
Truth: I always provide full lineage and credit to all breeders who’s plants are used in crosses I make. I’ve shown tons of males and breeding projects in real time as they happened. Over 140 of my releases are well-documented on I did create some crosses with some dynasty plants from seeds I purchased and bred with around 2017/18. These crosses were all labeled specifically as the crosses they were, giving credit to the dynasty strain used as male, eg. some strains were crossed to his blue magoo bx2. You can see those crosses documented online and credit to dynasty genetics was given for the males used in crosses. Dynasty was unhappy that these crosses were being sold, so I respectfully discontinued them and gave the rest away for free and I am no longer interested in this breeders genetics in any work going forward. Nothing was stolen, only some crosses were made with purchased seeds, crossed to strains of mine and others. These are no longer available and have not been for a few years already. I do not wish to breed with any strains involving people who aren’t happy about it, so I put it all in the past.
One time I gave out some last freebie packs from one of those crosses as surprise genetics without the lineage written, because I didn’t want to advertise for someone who had slandered my name. I then realized that wasn’t the best move so I apologized to him directly and explained my intentions. This was the one time when my emotions got involved and I left out the genetics information that should have been included with the seeds. Besides that, I have always included the lineages of all my genetics.

Rumor: MMS stole Acapulco Gold… (various forms of this rumor exist)
Truth: I have produced Acapulco Gold seeds and both sold them and given them out for free. The first batch was produced from a mix of AG genetics from Bodhi Seeds and a further generation of Bodhi’s stock given to me by Woodstock. When I began to sell those seeds I made, (after months of public announcements) Woodstock claimed I was not allowed to sell them and that it was somehow stolen genetics or not allowed to be sold. I was never aware they were not to be sold, and had even been updating Woodstock (and the public on IG) on the progress of the project the entire time! Nonetheless, I stopped the seedbanks from selling the seeds in less than 24 hours when Woodstock said you can not sell them. Yet Woodstock kept complaining and spreading hate. It was very unexpected and sad. The rest we decided to give out for free, over 1000 packs! Bodhi was always in support of my working with his Acapulco Gold seeds and gave me more AG seeds personally after this happened, with his blessing for MMS to make more seeds and to sell them for the community to have access to this rare genetic. I have released more of the seeds for sale, sold out, and have another batch coming soon (late 2022). The second batch for sale, I also donated a significant portion of the proceeds toward charity, funding an additional four more wells to be built in India in communities that don’t have access to clean water.

(A note about my perspective on selling landrace genetics: The goal of these seed reproductions is to give the community access to rare, pure, landrace genetics, plain and simple, so they can be enjoyed by many, rather than lost to time. I hope to see more people selling landrace genetics for the community so they can be found and enjoyed by people who want them. As freebies they often end up in the hands of the wrong growers who have no interest in these long flowering varieties, and then people who do want them can’t find them for sale once they’ve all been given away. Some people view freebies as inferior and place value on what they purchase. If people/companies do not sell landrace genetics pure, they will become more and more difficult to find. I also encourage people who get them to make more seeds, and get them further out into the community wether it’s for sale, trade, free, or all of the above!)

Rumor: MMS screwed over Indian Landrace Exchange/ Irrazin
Truth: Irrazin and I are great friends to this day and have accomplished amazing things together with our collaborations. We have also done a podcast together about our Swabi project which you can listen to. I’ve done a lot of exciting work with the Swabi Pakistani Landrace from Irrazin, and I donated 80% of the proceeds of the pure Swabi Pakistani reproduction to Irrazin and the Nanda Devi Cannabis Library, funding its entire construction! This has been another great partnership spreading rare genetics among the community!

Rumor: MMS sells untested seeds.
Truth: All MMS strains are fully tested, and have as much information and photographs as possible! I include detailed descriptions of each, so you can figure out which seeds are best for you. Most strains include comprehensive lab reports, showing the cannabinoids and terpene profiles. Lots of information on every seed release can be seen on seedfinder, and my website,, highlights many of the strains in further detail. Additional lab reports can be seen in my Discord server. I am passionate about my creations and I enjoy growing them out and describing them before they are ever sold! They are also tested in additional gardens, by home growers and on commercial scale, for more feedback and information!

Many breeders have various rumors around them and most of them are simply not true at all! If you see people buying into these rumors please link them to this document so they can read the facts. People don’t always get the full picture. Rumors are always emerging and changing, so do not believe anything you hear about anyone without seeing direct evidence and proof. Additionally, if you are in question of something, you can just grow the plants and see for yourself.

All of the situations happened in the past and I’ve left them in the past. This statement is not meant to attack anyone, complain, or call anyone out. I’ve done my best to respect everyone’s positions and move forward positively. We as a community should be coming together to accomplish great things, rather than fighting each other. We are all here for the love of this amazing plant, so let’s act like it! Respect."
What were the names of the thai x afghan-Pakistani that you used to make star pupil. You had a friend that happened to have a pure Thai and afghan Pakistani? What were the names of your friends strains that you used?
What were the names of the thai x afghan-Pakistani that you used to make star pupil. You had a friend that happened to have a pure Thai and afghan Pakistani? What were the names of your friends strains that you used?
They were just seeds given to me as thai and afghani, and later was determined the afghani was an afghani/pakistani cross. We wish we knew more info, but that's all there was. Edit: to clarify, the person who gave them to him knew nothing else than the names, and they are no longer in contact. Trust me, I've tried. I even sent SP to phylos and talked to them on the phone for 2 hours (Before they went crazy and screwed the community, this was in their early days) all they could really tell me is that it was indeed related to the gene pools we had suspected, but not much new detail came of it)

The thai stretched insanely tall, like probably 5x stretch or more. It could be some worked thai, who knows... for example there's lines like lemon thai that have more modern flowering times...

If it interests you, check out this 2nd Pupil F2 pheno hunt, there's 186 phenos pictured in this video slideshow with commentary in it.

The f2 were made to open the gene pool more. Most plants flowered within 9-10 week range, although some phenos in these F2s can go up to 13 weeks and have massive stretch, the majority are fairly tame.
There's a clear pakistani influence in the branching structure of Star Pupil, too.
I wrote this up recently, to clear the air on some rumors and misconceptions. Check it out, have a read. Here's a link to it for future reference.

There are various rumors about Mass Medical Strains that have been spread through the community. They are untrue and are often perpetuated by liars and haters, or told by others who have been misled, etc. Here are the facts. Please share this with anybody who might need to read it.

Rumor: Star Pupil is stolen and renamed.
Truth: I created Star Pupil by crossing two strains myself. It was a cross made in my first grow using genetics gifted by a friend, crossing Thai x Afghani/Pakistani plants. This was before I was even in the online community. I wasn’t trying to become a breeder, I just wanted to make seeds so I could continue growing. It turned out better than I ever imagined! Star Pupil is a unique strain I created, and has traits that haven’t been found in any of the genetics that various other people have claimed to be SP. If you grow them side by side you will see that SP is in fact much different. At least Four breeders have claimed SP was their creation, stolen and renamed. This obviously cannot be true, how could it be four different things from four different people? Star Pupil is also very different than the strains they claim it to be made from! It’s been wrongfully claimed by Melvanetics to be Buckeye Purple, JD to be Blueberry, Dynasty to be ?? (Various versions of this rumor exist), and Dojo to be Ninja Fruit. Growers who grow any of these strains along SP can easily see that Star Pupil is NOT related to these genetics and have different growth habits, water and nitrogen sensitivities, flower qualities and medicinal traits, completely different terpene profiles, effects and more. Many differences can be seen even on lab reports as well. The most they might share in common is a purple color. That’d be like saying all green weed on earth is related to one parent. I have even been growing various purple lines to see if anything similar to SP exist in other genetics, so far none have been the same as my unique creation!

Rumor: MMS stole from Dynasty or others and renames work
Truth: I always provide full lineage and credit to all breeders who’s plants are used in crosses I make. I’ve shown tons of males and breeding projects in real time as they happened. Over 140 of my releases are well-documented on I did create some crosses with some dynasty plants from seeds I purchased and bred with around 2017/18. These crosses were all labeled specifically as the crosses they were, giving credit to the dynasty strain used as male, eg. some strains were crossed to his blue magoo bx2. You can see those crosses documented online and credit to dynasty genetics was given for the males used in crosses. Dynasty was unhappy that these crosses were being sold, so I respectfully discontinued them and gave the rest away for free and I am no longer interested in this breeders genetics in any work going forward. Nothing was stolen, only some crosses were made with purchased seeds, crossed to strains of mine and others. These are no longer available and have not been for a few years already. I do not wish to breed with any strains involving people who aren’t happy about it, so I put it all in the past.
One time I gave out some last freebie packs from one of those crosses as surprise genetics without the lineage written, because I didn’t want to advertise for someone who had slandered my name. I then realized that wasn’t the best move so I apologized to him directly and explained my intentions. This was the one time when my emotions got involved and I left out the genetics information that should have been included with the seeds. Besides that, I have always included the lineages of all my genetics.

Rumor: MMS stole Acapulco Gold… (various forms of this rumor exist)
Truth: I have produced Acapulco Gold seeds and both sold them and given them out for free. The first batch was produced from a mix of AG genetics from Bodhi Seeds and a further generation of Bodhi’s stock given to me by Woodstock. When I began to sell those seeds I made, (after months of public announcements) Woodstock claimed I was not allowed to sell them and that it was somehow stolen genetics or not allowed to be sold. I was never aware they were not to be sold, and had even been updating Woodstock (and the public on IG) on the progress of the project the entire time! Nonetheless, I stopped the seedbanks from selling the seeds in less than 24 hours when Woodstock said you can not sell them. Yet Woodstock kept complaining and spreading hate. It was very unexpected and sad. The rest we decided to give out for free, over 1000 packs! Bodhi was always in support of my working with his Acapulco Gold seeds and gave me more AG seeds personally after this happened, with his blessing for MMS to make more seeds and to sell them for the community to have access to this rare genetic. I have released more of the seeds for sale, sold out, and have another batch coming soon (late 2022). The second batch for sale, I also donated a significant portion of the proceeds toward charity, funding an additional four more wells to be built in India in communities that don’t have access to clean water.

(A note about my perspective on selling landrace genetics: The goal of these seed reproductions is to give the community access to rare, pure, landrace genetics, plain and simple, so they can be enjoyed by many, rather than lost to time. I hope to see more people selling landrace genetics for the community so they can be found and enjoyed by people who want them. As freebies they often end up in the hands of the wrong growers who have no interest in these long flowering varieties, and then people who do want them can’t find them for sale once they’ve all been given away. Some people view freebies as inferior and place value on what they purchase. If people/companies do not sell landrace genetics pure, they will become more and more difficult to find. I also encourage people who get them to make more seeds, and get them further out into the community wether it’s for sale, trade, free, or all of the above!)

Rumor: MMS screwed over Indian Landrace Exchange/ Irrazin
Truth: Irrazin and I are great friends to this day and have accomplished amazing things together with our collaborations. We have also done a podcast together about our Swabi project which you can listen to. I’ve done a lot of exciting work with the Swabi Pakistani Landrace from Irrazin, and I donated 80% of the proceeds of the pure Swabi Pakistani reproduction to Irrazin and the Nanda Devi Cannabis Library, funding its entire construction! This has been another great partnership spreading rare genetics among the community!

Rumor: MMS sells untested seeds.
Truth: All MMS strains are fully tested, and have as much information and photographs as possible! I include detailed descriptions of each, so you can figure out which seeds are best for you. Most strains include comprehensive lab reports, showing the cannabinoids and terpene profiles. Lots of information on every seed release can be seen on seedfinder, and my website,, highlights many of the strains in further detail. Additional lab reports can be seen in my Discord server. I am passionate about my creations and I enjoy growing them out and describing them before they are ever sold! They are also tested in additional gardens, by home growers and on commercial scale, for more feedback and information!

Many breeders have various rumors around them and most of them are simply not true at all! If you see people buying into these rumors please link them to this document so they can read the facts. People don’t always get the full picture. Rumors are always emerging and changing, so do not believe anything you hear about anyone without seeing direct evidence and proof. Additionally, if you are in question of something, you can just grow the plants and see for yourself.

All of the situations happened in the past and I’ve left them in the past. This statement is not meant to attack anyone, complain, or call anyone out. I’ve done my best to respect everyone’s positions and move forward positively. We as a community should be coming together to accomplish great things, rather than fighting each other. We are all here for the love of this amazing plant, so let’s act like it! Respect."
I was just about to share the instagram link with this in it.
If you google pics of buckeye purple from melvenetics, it’s remarkable how similar it looks to the new fems mms is showing on IG.
If I could easily get melvenetics seeds in the uk, I’d do a side by side and a smoke report. I can even get my mate to do it as he has no idea about this conflict and only grows friends recommendations. But let’s face it, it’s not going to change anything? If they turned out the same, loyal customers would still buy mms. If they’re completely different, the haters will still hate and my word and methods would be questioned. I’m open minded and heard both sides, I like a lot of his stuff and some people don’t. Personally, if I don’t like someone, I say why and move on without dwelling on it. That’s just going to darken the soul and take away happiness. Still looking forward for anaphylaxis though
Yea, this is all old news, most growers I know don’t mess with his gear. Just not strong enough. But he’s picked his marketing back up, lol, looks like.
Ya and no one here cares about all this stuff...MMS needs to stop worrying about what people think. I'm pretty sure the thing with dynasty was true, Prop P of dynasty is a legit respected breeder and from my understanding he gave MMS freebies that he used or some shit like that...
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Ya and no one here cares about all this stuff...MMS needs to stop worrying about what people think. I'm pretty sure the thing with dynasty was true, Prop P of dynasty is a legit respected breeder and from my understanding he gave MMS freebies that he used or some shit like that...
I wrote this up recently, to clear the air on some rumors and misconceptions. Check it out, have a read. Here's a link to it for future reference.

There are various rumors about Mass Medical Strains that have been spread through the community. They are untrue and are often perpetuated by liars and haters, or told by others who have been misled, etc. Here are the facts. Please share this with anybody who might need to read it.

Rumor: Star Pupil is stolen and renamed.
Truth: I created Star Pupil by crossing two strains myself. It was a cross made in my first grow using genetics gifted by a friend, crossing Thai x Afghani/Pakistani plants. This was before I was even in the online community. I wasn’t trying to become a breeder, I just wanted to make seeds so I could continue growing. It turned out better than I ever imagined! Star Pupil is a unique strain I created, and has traits that haven’t been found in any of the genetics that various other people have claimed to be SP. If you grow them side by side you will see that SP is in fact much different. At least Four breeders have claimed SP was their creation, stolen and renamed. This obviously cannot be true, how could it be four different things from four different people? Star Pupil is also very different than the strains they claim it to be made from! It’s been wrongfully claimed by Melvanetics to be Buckeye Purple, JD to be Blueberry, Dynasty to be ?? (Various versions of this rumor exist), and Dojo to be Ninja Fruit. Growers who grow any of these strains along SP can easily see that Star Pupil is NOT related to these genetics and have different growth habits, water and nitrogen sensitivities, flower qualities and medicinal traits, completely different terpene profiles, effects and more. Many differences can be seen even on lab reports as well. The most they might share in common is a purple color. That’d be like saying all green weed on earth is related to one parent. I have even been growing various purple lines to see if anything similar to SP exist in other genetics, so far none have been the same as my unique creation!

Rumor: MMS stole from Dynasty or others and renames work
Truth: I always provide full lineage and credit to all breeders who’s plants are used in crosses I make. I’ve shown tons of males and breeding projects in real time as they happened. Over 140 of my releases are well-documented on I did create some crosses with some dynasty plants from seeds I purchased and bred with around 2017/18. These crosses were all labeled specifically as the crosses they were, giving credit to the dynasty strain used as male, eg. some strains were crossed to his blue magoo bx2. You can see those crosses documented online and credit to dynasty genetics was given for the males used in crosses. Dynasty was unhappy that these crosses were being sold, so I respectfully discontinued them and gave the rest away for free and I am no longer interested in this breeders genetics in any work going forward. Nothing was stolen, only some crosses were made with purchased seeds, crossed to strains of mine and others. These are no longer available and have not been for a few years already. I do not wish to breed with any strains involving people who aren’t happy about it, so I put it all in the past.
One time I gave out some last freebie packs from one of those crosses as surprise genetics without the lineage written, because I didn’t want to advertise for someone who had slandered my name. I then realized that wasn’t the best move so I apologized to him directly and explained my intentions. This was the one time when my emotions got involved and I left out the genetics information that should have been included with the seeds. Besides that, I have always included the lineages of all my genetics.

Rumor: MMS stole Acapulco Gold… (various forms of this rumor exist)
Truth: I have produced Acapulco Gold seeds and both sold them and given them out for free. The first batch was produced from a mix of AG genetics from Bodhi Seeds and a further generation of Bodhi’s stock given to me by Woodstock. When I began to sell those seeds I made, (after months of public announcements) Woodstock claimed I was not allowed to sell them and that it was somehow stolen genetics or not allowed to be sold. I was never aware they were not to be sold, and had even been updating Woodstock (and the public on IG) on the progress of the project the entire time! Nonetheless, I stopped the seedbanks from selling the seeds in less than 24 hours when Woodstock said you can not sell them. Yet Woodstock kept complaining and spreading hate. It was very unexpected and sad. The rest we decided to give out for free, over 1000 packs! Bodhi was always in support of my working with his Acapulco Gold seeds and gave me more AG seeds personally after this happened, with his blessing for MMS to make more seeds and to sell them for the community to have access to this rare genetic. I have released more of the seeds for sale, sold out, and have another batch coming soon (late 2022). The second batch for sale, I also donated a significant portion of the proceeds toward charity, funding an additional four more wells to be built in India in communities that don’t have access to clean water.

(A note about my perspective on selling landrace genetics: The goal of these seed reproductions is to give the community access to rare, pure, landrace genetics, plain and simple, so they can be enjoyed by many, rather than lost to time. I hope to see more people selling landrace genetics for the community so they can be found and enjoyed by people who want them. As freebies they often end up in the hands of the wrong growers who have no interest in these long flowering varieties, and then people who do want them can’t find them for sale once they’ve all been given away. Some people view freebies as inferior and place value on what they purchase. If people/companies do not sell landrace genetics pure, they will become more and more difficult to find. I also encourage people who get them to make more seeds, and get them further out into the community wether it’s for sale, trade, free, or all of the above!)

Rumor: MMS screwed over Indian Landrace Exchange/ Irrazin
Truth: Irrazin and I are great friends to this day and have accomplished amazing things together with our collaborations. We have also done a podcast together about our Swabi project which you can listen to. I’ve done a lot of exciting work with the Swabi Pakistani Landrace from Irrazin, and I donated 80% of the proceeds of the pure Swabi Pakistani reproduction to Irrazin and the Nanda Devi Cannabis Library, funding its entire construction! This has been another great partnership spreading rare genetics among the community!

Rumor: MMS sells untested seeds.
Truth: All MMS strains are fully tested, and have as much information and photographs as possible! I include detailed descriptions of each, so you can figure out which seeds are best for you. Most strains include comprehensive lab reports, showing the cannabinoids and terpene profiles. Lots of information on every seed release can be seen on seedfinder, and my website,, highlights many of the strains in further detail. Additional lab reports can be seen in my Discord server. I am passionate about my creations and I enjoy growing them out and describing them before they are ever sold! They are also tested in additional gardens, by home growers and on commercial scale, for more feedback and information!

Many breeders have various rumors around them and most of them are simply not true at all! If you see people buying into these rumors please link them to this document so they can read the facts. People don’t always get the full picture. Rumors are always emerging and changing, so do not believe anything you hear about anyone without seeing direct evidence and proof. Additionally, if you are in question of something, you can just grow the plants and see for yourself.

All of the situations happened in the past and I’ve left them in the past. This statement is not meant to attack anyone, complain, or call anyone out. I’ve done my best to respect everyone’s positions and move forward positively. We as a community should be coming together to accomplish great things, rather than fighting each other. We are all here for the love of this amazing plant, so let’s act like it! Respect."
MMS Diss.jpg
Ya and no one here cares about all this stuff...MMS needs to stop worrying about what people think. I'm pretty sure the thing with dynasty was true, Prop P of dynasty is a legit respected breeder and from my understanding he gave MMS freebies that he used or some shit like that...
Don’t care? Why are you here then?
Since this is a MMS has anyone seen the national grid electric is going up 60% in MA this winter starting in November....fucking bullshit, heard about it a few months ago but wasn't too sure it was true. Think its going up a bit nationally but no where the increases MA is getting wacked with.
Since this is a MMS has anyone seen the national grid electric is going up 60% in MA this winter starting in November....fucking bullshit, heard about it a few months ago but wasn't too sure it was true. Think its going up a bit nationally but no where the increases MA is getting wacked with.
Jeez! That’s a killer. I know electric is already 4x what it was five years ago in the uk. My friend was considering bypassing a meter just to keep growing a small commercial level.
If you google pics of buckeye purple from melvenetics, it’s remarkable how similar it looks to the new fems mms is showing on IG.

That's false logic, just because pictures look the same doesn't mean they're related. Lots of people look like movie stars but that doesn't mean they have any relation, your point is about as sensible. If you can point to a side by side grow that shows they are the same, great. Otherwise it's as useful of an opinion as someone saying "my cutting of sour d/OG Kush/GSC/etc must be the real cut because pics looks the same", which would obviously be laughed at. Why is a negative comparison any different?
Yea, this is all old news, most growers I know don’t mess with his gear. Just not strong enough. But he’s picked his marketing back up, lol, looks like.

Most growers I know have gotten bored with OG Kush, GSC, Wedding Cake, GG4, etc. Does that make them weak or does it reflect peoples taste and how it changes? For someone who it doesn't sound like has actually grown MMS gear, you have very strong opinions based off of other peoples opinions. That's not interesting, I'd rather read peoples thoughts based on their personal experience and not speaking for other people instead.
Ya and no one here cares about all this stuff...MMS needs to stop worrying about what people think. I'm pretty sure the thing with dynasty was true, Prop P of dynasty is a legit respected breeder and from my understanding he gave MMS freebies that he used or some shit like that...

Your vague memory isn't as convincing as the explanation from the person involved. Breeders have been using each others work for years, how is this any different other then the hurt feelings?
Since this is a MMS has anyone seen the national grid electric is going up 60% in MA this winter starting in November....fucking bullshit, heard about it a few months ago but wasn't too sure it was true. Think its going up a bit nationally but no where the increases MA is getting wacked with.
Brooooooo please I hope it’s not terrible I grow indoors in the winter and I’m scared for 500$ electric bill fucikkk