Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

We have been using vaccines of one sort or another for over 100 years. Mrna technology was introduced in the 1960's.
It may have been "introduced" in the 60's but there weren't any mRNA vaccines tested on humans until 2020. Also mRNA vaccines aren't comparable to traditional vaccines. Apples to oranges.

It's also well established that mRNA vaccines have a much higher risk of adverse events vs traditional vaccines:

You can note the number of vaccine related deaths reported to the CDC over the past decades, in comparison to 2021, which is not insignificant:

Not much of an answer. We have only now begun to study and comprehend the long term effects of smoking cannabis.

But I presume you were smoking it some time ago.

You do realize the sheer ridiculousness of comparing a naturally growing plant that's been consumed for thousands of years to a brand new experimental pharma tech exempt from liability, right?

Fwiw I would think any President that mandated cannabis use to keep your job is a totalitarian piece of crap also.
Fully vaccinated includes unvaccinated and with this criteria we deem the vaccinated are less susceptible to getting Rona.

And this made it through peer review without a single objection.
Fully vaccinated includes unvaccinated and with this criteria we deem the vaccinated are less susceptible to getting Rona.

And this made it through peer review without a single objection.
They explain:

We grouped individuals with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection together with fully vaccinated individuals because we have perfect information on vaccination and only can proxy for the previous infection by a positive RT-PCR test. However, a more detailed separation of these groups does not materially change our results (Appendix Table S22).

In other words, they binned the two datasets together because in this instance, there was no large difference in their secondary attack rate to a variant. It was a matter of statistical convenience, not of etiology.

I would hold off on the end-zone theatrics until more data are in … but that’s a consequence of my having worked around such data before. Generalizing to other populations cannot be done until, y’know, data.
And China started stockpiling PPE and cut exports of PPE months before the pandemic was announced.

Sure would have been a good time to have not had a stupid trade war (that got us nothing) causing friction between our nations and disbanding our global pandemic scientists who would have been on the ground day one and helping to figure out what we needed to get ready with here. Oh and a POTUS that was so egotistical he had to be on camera the entire time muddying the messaging on what we needed to know as a society.
Sure would have been a good time to have not had a stupid trade war (that got us nothing) causing friction between our nations and disbanding our global pandemic scientists who would have been on the ground day one and helping to figure out what we needed to get ready with here. Oh and a POTUS that was so egotistical he had to be on camera the entire time muddying the messaging on what we needed to know as a society.
or weaponizing Twitter.