Hi all. I’m on day 45 lsd25 auto. ive been using advanced nutrients ph perfect micro grow bloom using ro water in soil. First grow..I chose these nutes because I thought I didn’t need to check ph etc… turns out the nutes are more suited to hydro.. so.. 2 weeks ago started seeing rust spots and some ends of leaves twisting. Stopped nutes, flushed and fed only ro water ph at 6.0 run off stays 7.2-7.4.. yesterday I added 2ml/l Florakleen, today I watered and checked ph run off still high 7.2 -7.4.. I flushed again 6.0 ro ( run off still high) then after flush I added 1litre per plant mixed with Florakleen 2.5ml/l. I’m out of ideas.. no idea what to do next? Keep flushing? Add nutes? mars hydro tsw2000 led at 65% 19-20inches above canopy. 18/6, 26c day temp 21c night temp , 50 rh, Also, day 45 should autos be flowering by now? anybody experienced this before? What can I do? Any advice would be hugely appreciated