BK’s shit show

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Wait, what the hell am I laughing at? Same.

Just reminded me of the funniest men's room scrawling I ever saw back in the day. Up above the urinal I was using. "Why are you looking up here when the joke is in your hand?"
i always loved the " jesus saves" and then underneath "... and gretzky gets the rebound and scores!!!"
I was a little Hulkamaniac running wild, and it was a very turbulent relationship early on. He eventually won me over though. I also love goons, and he is history's #1 top goon. Shaq might be the only man who could challenge him, and that's really only because he knows Shaq-Fu and did some MMA. Also possibly Tyson Fury. He's a gypsy king goon, which may make him top goon by default.
I was a little Hulkamaniac running wild, and it was a very turbulent relationship early on. He eventually won me over though. I also love goons, and he is history's #1 top goon. Shaq might be the only man who could challenge him, and that's really only because he knows Shaq-Fu and did some MMA. Also possibly Tyson Fury. He's a gypsy king goon, which may make him top goon by default.
Goon? Is that some type of gabagool
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