Gonna get cold

Supposed to get down to freezing and possibly frost this weekend. Should I go ahead and cut, even though trichomes aren't amber color yet?
Providing its not the wrong genetics not fit for purpose you would be suprised some stuff can tolerate days of freezing temps humidity is more the killer ime but it makes sense when you consider nepal and the rest of the Himalayas and afghanistan and places like that they got both cannabis and the cold as well id say anything tropical cut it down tho
How did they fair? Still alive..?
I meant to say bed sheets. If you use plastic dont let it touch the tops of the plants
Got cold Friday and Saturday night, but luckily didn't frost up here on the hill. We put up metal roads and curved them down and zip tied a tarp over all of it where tarp didn't touch the plants. Then we put cinder blocks to hold tarp down so wind wouldn't catch it. Thank you for all the great advice.