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I don't know if this can be called "hiding" donors but Democrats do receive a whopping large amount from dark PACs:Democrats don't hide where they get their donations from. Republicans, not so much

‘Dark money’ topped $1 billion in 2020, largely boosting Democrats
The 2020 election saw more than $1 billion in dark money driven by an explosion of secret donations boosting Democrats.

Liberal dark money groups overshadow conservatives
Anonymous donors poured record amounts of money into groups backing President Joe Biden in the 2020 contest, leaving the public without a full accounting of who helped him win the White House.
Biden’s presidential bid attracted around $174 million in support from anonymous donors, more than six times the $25.2 million in dark money contributions and spending boosting President Donald Trump’s unsuccessful re-election effort.
Democrats have consistently called for closing loopholes in campaign finance law that allow secret donors to bankroll pricey political ads. But that hasn’t stopped them from using secret funds to win elections. Of donations and spending reported to the FEC, liberal groups directed more than $514 million in dark money into the 2020 election, overshadowing around $200 million that boosted Republicans.
So, Democrats are open to the "you do it too" fallacy when they talk about Republican affinity for donating anonymously. Then again, Republicans block legislation banning untraceable donations. Legislation introduced by Democrats and endorsed by a majority of Democrats would ban dark money to finance campaigns. Meanwhile, Democrats aren't going to concede anything to Republicans. They won't unilaterally refuse legal donations. In 2020, Democrats received more dark money than Republicans did. It is hypocritical to argue against dark money and then accept legal anonymous donations. But they won and that makes all the difference to Democrats and democracy in the US. Campaign finance laws have be changed before this practice can be stopped -- and won't until enough Republicans are voted out. It would be ironic if dark money helped Democrats do this.