Favorite Music or Movie to Harvest to?

Ooh, I hadn't thought about that. As I mentioned above, I either stream Grateful Dead (live shows), or some classic rock albums (Who, Eagles, etc). Next time I'll try some ageless Bob Marley, maybe Natty Dread.

I just finished this year's trimming, so I'll add it to 2023's playlist. Thanks for the idea!
Some Dub is nice too. Keeps me nice and mellow in traffic also lol. Love the Dead myself, hope you have a great harvest. :)
Apocalypse Now and Animal House are favorites as far as background movies as I've seen them so much I don't have to watch I can just listen to them. Music is very mood dependant but I hate trimming so it's usually early metal.
I like to listen to pod casts or audio books. Listening to speech takes my mind off what I'm doing better than music.
Funny you mention podcasts. For the first time, this year I listened to some during trimming, instead of just music. It does help with a mindless task.
