Examples of GOP Leadership


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Judge tosses Sidney Powell’s countersuit against Dominion Voting Systems
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday agreed to dismiss a lawsuit that pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell filed against Dominion Voting System as the voting machine company pursues a $1.3 billion defamation claim against her.

In a three-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols granted Dominion’s request to toss the case after finding Powell failed to show that Dominion’s defamation suit against her constituted an abuse of justice.

“Powell’s complaint fails to link her abuse-of-process claim to any act that Dominion has taken other than filing and pursuing its lawsuit,” wrote Nichols, a Trump appointee to the federal district court in D.C. “She has thus failed to state a claim for abuse of process.”


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Here we go again …. Grifting the hurricane victims
Send your Red dollars to the Great Pumpkin- you saps.

In the email, Trump asked his supporters to take a poll, titled, "Official Trump Election Year Poll." They are taken through a number of questions, from "Do you think the FBI raiding Mar-a-Lago was unconstitutional?" to "Do you believe Joe Biden is fit to run this Country?" until they are eventually asked to donate $25 or more to Trump.

Trump sent the email during the 1 p.m. hour Eastern Time as Hurricane Ian neared landfall.

Money raised from the email will benefit Save America JFC, a federal joint fundraising committee composed of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC — two of Trump's post-presidential political action committees.

Trump has openly flirted with running for president again in 2024, but he has not yet formally declared his candidacy.

Maybe the fat fucker will toss paper towels at ya !