September 24th

Aaron's a cool dude, but coddling crazy ideas is precisely how you foster crazy ideas. There are more important things than being nice, like being right and stating truths. There's a shit ton of well documented evidence that's been reviewed by degree'd professionals, in regard to the "inside job" and "they were just walking around" thing, so all we'd be doing here is exploring our own narcissism and delusionality by continuing to explore conspiracies. And you really don't end up in a decent place to live with such indulgences of ignorance.
Why are people being dicks to OP? I don't agree with him on this, but I've also never seen him be an asshole to anyone here.
speaking for myself: it’s not so much what he says as how he says it. Intellectual dishonesty is not a very good look. Fwiw being a troll (as he is revealed to be) is assh*le behavior. So, without undue disrespect, I reject your premise.
Aaron's a cool dude, but coddling crazy ideas is precisely how you foster crazy ideas. There are more important things than being nice, like being right and stating truths. There's a shit ton of well documented evidence that's been reviewed by degree'd professionals, in regard to the "inside job" and "they were just walking around" thing, so all we'd be doing here is exploring our own narcissism and delusionality by continuing to explore conspiracies. And you really don't end up in a decent place to live with such indulgences of ignorance.
Uh huh
Aaron's a cool dude, but coddling crazy ideas is precisely how you foster crazy ideas. There are more important things than being nice, like being right and stating truths. There's a shit ton of well documented evidence that's been reviewed by degree'd professionals, in regard to the "inside job" and "they were just walking around" thing, so all we'd be doing here is exploring our own narcissism and delusionality by continuing to explore conspiracies. And you really don't end up in a decent place to live with such indulgences of ignorance.
Do you really think that he is an actual decent misguided human as opposed to just another of the awful coterie of trolls?

Even if one doesn't succumb to the rabbit hole, one cannot be immune to its effects. It twists and warps everyone, myself included. I no longer know how to judge the Q adherents or the random guy next to me in a bar who is a devotee of Jordan Peterson. Some of them, I assume, are good people, but ... wtf?
Take a visit to Drumheller, Alberta sometime. It will clear your misconception up a bit. What are your thoughts on fossils? Here a a couple of examples I personally dug out as a kid when I was hunting rocks at Turtle mountain in the Rockies. Went every summer to visit family. My brother and I hiked down to the Frank slide to dig up fossils and other interesting bits of the past.

L - R: Volcanic rock, fossilized coal, fossilized wood fragment.

View attachment 5202091

The area is heavily ridden with fossils from the Paleozoic period. I have a couple of good specimens in limestone (or shale...can't remember) but I didn't take the time to hunt them in my "box of rocks" that I collected for years as a kid. I was very interested in Geology at the time.

Getting drunk and high while running up and down the hoodoos was a great pastime of mine when I was in my late teens.
Do you really think that he is an actual decent misguided human as opposed to just another of the awful coterie of trolls?

Even if one doesn't succumb to the rabbit hole, one cannot be immune to its effects. It twists and warps everyone, myself included. I no longer know how to judge the Q adherents or the random guy next to me in a bar who is a devotee of Jordan Peterson. Some of them, I assume, are good people, but ... wtf?
I judge Q adherents and devotees of Jordan Peterson the same, in that I make equal effort to avoid them.
Fossils are so abundant, yet no full dinosaur skeleton exists, or ever existed before a few hundred years ago. They are all fabricated from scraps, imagined up by some paleontologist after the 1800s, once the term dinosaur was coined by radical people. That's what I know.