Well-Known Member
Im at day 70 something of a bag seed grow. Started with 9, 1 was male, i now have 8 left in their 4th week 2nd day of Flower. Im using fox farm nutes (the big 3 + Cal mag as of 2 waters ago), full organic soil medium, and 3 130w high efficiency LED Grow lights. If you need more info, please let me know. The problem im having is a few weeks ago, i started noticing light brown spots on lower and mid leaves. After a few days the leaves would shrivel, brown, and fall off dead. I did a full flush with just water 6 days ( 2 waters) ago; Slight improvement but still happening. Upon further investigation, i found out that my soil pH is in the 7.5-8 range and has been since i first planted these suckers. I figured it would go away with nutes and pHed water but apparently, it hasn't. I know it could be the pH and that the soil can't soak up the nutes, but i need an experienced grower who can really break this down with me.
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