Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

It will be a struggle, but look at all the help Trump and the republicans are giving you! :lol: Win enough in November and it will be whole new ballgame, lose, even the house and it will be chaos at home and internationally. Trump will most likely set the republican house agenda from his cell, "Get me outta here"!
Projection at 538 puts the most likely result in the Senate between bare majority and 54 seats. The House is most likely to go to Republicans.

Of course, it's too far away from election day to put much credence in these forecasts. We've come a long way since June when all signs were "Republicans win both houses in landslide". I can't say Democrats did anything to earn it. Sentiment is squishy and can go either direction depending on what happens in October. Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot. But we always see dirty tricks from them in October, so, who knows?

Oregon is pretty safely Democrat. Except for:

The Governor's race is tighter than normal, mostly because Democrats picked a farther to the left candidate than the state's moderates would like. Also, Phil Knight, the billionaire owner of Nike is funding a run as an Independent by a former moderate Democrat. She can't win but can tip the race to the foaming at the mouth right wing Oregon Republican Party.
Trump lawyers don't want to say if he declassified documents in FBI search

On Tuesday, Trump's legal team filed its response to the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, opposing the government's request and calling the Justice Department's investigation "unprecedented and misguided."

In their 40-page filing, Trump's attorneys said the court should not take the Justice Department at its word that the roughly 100 documents in question are in fact still classified, and said the special master should be permitted to review them as a step towards "restoring order from chaos."

If the documents are not classified, who declassified them? I guess they are saying the court should take Trump's word that he declassified the documents without any evidence -- or statement in court -- whatsoever. Even so, the crimes Trump is being investigated over does not require they be classified and the documents belong to the government regardless. The Appeals Court will have Trump's legal team's brief today. Let's hope for a speedy and proper decision by them.

Perhaps there is some evidence on those tippy top-secret documents, such as handwritten notes on them by Trump or maybe a price tag that Trump wants to hide? At the very least, fingerprints will tell an interesting tale.
I don't see pissing off Judge Dearie as sound strategy. This gets better by the half day now.
Trump lawyers don't want to say if he declassified documents in FBI search

On Tuesday, Trump's legal team filed its response to the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, opposing the government's request and calling the Justice Department's investigation "unprecedented and misguided."

In their 40-page filing, Trump's attorneys said the court should not take the Justice Department at its word that the roughly 100 documents in question are in fact still classified, and said the special master should be permitted to review them as a step towards "restoring order from chaos."

If the documents are not classified, who declassified them? I guess they are saying the court should take Trump's word that he declassified the documents without any evidence -- or statement in court -- whatsoever. Even so, the crimes Trump is being investigated over does not require they be classified and the documents belong to the government regardless. The Appeals Court will have Trump's legal team's brief today. Let's hope for a speedy and proper decision by them.

Perhaps there is some evidence on those tippy top-secret documents, such as handwritten notes on them by Trump or maybe a price tag that Trump wants to hide? At the very least, fingerprints will tell an interesting tale.
The prints of any of his underlings on top-secret documents without proper clearances will mean big trouble for them and leverage for the DOJ, if they should need it. It might be interesting to see his minions and underlings go down over those documents, in the usual way, rapidly and harshly sentenced. There are sentencing guidelines and ample precedent here, so serious time would be involved. Donald is done and the only way out is death by cheeseburger.
Projection at 538 puts the most likely result in the Senate between bare majority and 54 seats. The House is most likely to go to Republicans.

Of course, it's too far away from election day to put much credence in these forecasts. We've come a long way since June when all signs were "Republicans win both houses in landslide". I can't say Democrats did anything to earn it. Sentiment is squishy and can go either direction depending on what happens in October. Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot. But we always see dirty tricks from them in October, so, who knows?

Oregon is pretty safely Democrat. Except for:

The Governor's race is tighter than normal, mostly because Democrats picked a farther to the left candidate than the state's moderates would like. Also, Phil Knight, the billionaire owner of Nike is funding a run as an Independent by a former moderate Democrat. She can't win but can tip the race to the foaming at the mouth right wing Oregon Republican Party.
I've seen and posted several articles on how polls might be unreliable this cycle, particularly where it pertains to abortion, family planning rights. There are two main problems with them as I see it, people are reluctant to reveal their feelings on controversial issues, even with pollsters and particularly in red and swing states. The second factor appears to be likely voters, the gold standard for pollsters, that might be changing, as record voter registration is happening among women. Unlikely voters are usually young voters and 1/3 of the country generally does not vote. The issue of reproductive rights impacts young women the most and motivates them the most and they have young male friends, and relatives. Lindsay and other republicans are helping to drive the issue on the national stage, but Mitch wants to bury it, since its well past its best before date.

Winning a major victory in Ukraine might help too, Joe is up to 49% in the polls and kicking Vlad's ass should be worth a point or two and have the hawks in the bag. Also, his solid performance and responsible professional governance is having an impact. Hey, the J6 hearing are starting back up a month before the election, what a coincidence! :lol:
Buried in Cannons' order authorizing Dearie as special master is a clause, paraphrased, stating that Cannon can replace Dearie at her whim. So if Dearie strays too far from worshipping trump, he'll get the boot.
The DOJ is fast tracking the secret document's part to the 11th circuit, and they will rule soon, so the point will be moot. Garland doesn't want to indict him until after the election anyway and this removes any roadblocks or grounds for appeal or delay, for when the do indict him. He also dug his hole deeper and exposed himself even more with his antics. When Garland released the photo of all those top-secret documents on Trump's OFFICE floor and found with his passports in his desk, he was fucked then and there. Garland sucker punched him square in the face, his judge can only do so much for him and already screwed herself IMHO for nothing, it won't make any difference, it won't delay anything, but it might speed things up once he's indicted.
Intercept and confiscate any and all money. It is the one thing that matters to that man.
Bonus: leave the debts intact.

Lol, nothing fascist about that.

Surely you aren't suggesting we should subvert our justice system so you can roll out your own form of emotionally charged "justice" are you? That's dangerously close to the centralization of power to punish your political enemies.

Seriously, he took some files he doesn't have the comprehension to read and understand. What about that says we take all.his money? The punishment doesn't fit the crime, sir.
Lol, nothing fascist about that.

Surely you aren't suggesting we should subvert our justice system so you can roll out your own form of emotionally charged "justice" are you? That's dangerously close to the centralization of power to punish your political enemies.

Seriously, he took some files he doesn't have the comprehension to read and understand. What about that says we take all.his money? The punishment doesn't fit the crime, sir.

some files? you mean the ones that said "secret" on them
Lol, nothing fascist about that.

Surely you aren't suggesting we should subvert our justice system so you can roll out your own form of emotionally charged "justice" are you? That's dangerously close to the centralization of power to punish your political enemies.

Seriously, he took some files he doesn't have the comprehension to read and understand. What about that says we take all.his money? The punishment doesn't fit the crime, sir.
not subvert. Nice straw man.

You’re correct; the punishment does not fit the crime. Ask our deep-cover agents he sold to probably awful deaths.
Lol, nothing fascist about that.

Surely you aren't suggesting we should subvert our justice system so you can roll out your own form of emotionally charged "justice" are you? That's dangerously close to the centralization of power to punish your political enemies.

Seriously, he took some files he doesn't have the comprehension to read and understand. What about that says we take all.his money? The punishment doesn't fit the crime, sir.
lol A fascist sympathizer who objects to revenge fantasies. You are funny.
As a person IN the trenches. This shit is real and the competition is real too. If we are able to change the Senate rules to enable democracy instead of the weird ass filibuster in an already biased-toward-small-states body that gives the minority the ability to block everything and anything the majority is trying to accomplish, there will be no "just" about it.
Another thing that could be on the table, if ya win, is statehood for DC and Puerto Rico...