Plants grew too High!!!

Was a practise run mate.

Hello new sock puppet. I'm guessing that's you again @Brettman . You spell practise the same.

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Hello new sock puppet. I'm guessing that's you again @Brettman . You spell practise the same.
Practice or Practise—Which Spelling Is Right?

Practice with a C or practise with an S—which spelling is correct? In American English, practice is always right. In British English, whether practice or practise is the correct choice depends on its role in the sentence. How can you know which form to use?

In American English, practice may function as a noun or a verb. Regardless of its role in the sentence, the correct spelling is always practice with a C. In British and other non-American versions of English, spelling may vary depending on the function of the word. For example, if you are referring to what a doctor does, you would say that they practise medicine. You spell the verb form, practise, with an S. However, if you are referring to the the doctor’s business, you can use the noun form, practice with a C. Nevertheless, language is always changing. In some forms of English, such as Canadian English, practice with a C is becoming more popular for nouns and verbs. Some examples may help you visualize the point.

Hello new sock puppet. I'm guessing that's you again @Brettman . You spell practise the same.

Hey dude, this one wasn’t me. Sunni told me to cut it out so I did. I’d really appreciate if you would stop accusing me. Thanks and have a great day.