Well-Known Member
My experience comes from watching my beautiful city Portland Oregon which was a thriving vibrant city descend into chaos as the Defund the Police crowd destroyed it with their violent protests, vandalism, and looting.
Now it's a nasty cesspool rampant with crime. People avoid it and businesses are leaving. What was once a bustling metropolis is now crime infested ghetto. Shootings every night. Thefts, burglaries, and other crimes at record highs. We need more police and more funding not less.
Here’s a map showing you how violent crime has trended in Portland over a 30 year period. Violent crime peaked in 1995 when there were 8,833 violent crimes reported and the city had a violent crime rate of roughly 1,738.78 per 100,000 people.

You lived there in the 90’s? You’re lucky to be alive. Holy fuck look at the nonexistent spike in 2020. Wow!