September 24th

My experience comes from watching my beautiful city Portland Oregon which was a thriving vibrant city descend into chaos as the Defund the Police crowd destroyed it with their violent protests, vandalism, and looting.

Now it's a nasty cesspool rampant with crime. People avoid it and businesses are leaving. What was once a bustling metropolis is now crime infested ghetto. Shootings every night. Thefts, burglaries, and other crimes at record highs. We need more police and more funding not less.

Here’s a map showing you how violent crime has trended in Portland over a 30 year period. Violent crime peaked in 1995 when there were 8,833 violent crimes reported and the city had a violent crime rate of roughly 1,738.78 per 100,000 people.

violent crimes in portland graph

You lived there in the 90’s? You’re lucky to be alive. Holy fuck look at the nonexistent spike in 2020. Wow!
Here’s a map showing you how violent crime has trended in Portland over a 30 year period. Violent crime peaked in 1995 when there were 8,833 violent crimes reported and the city had a violent crime rate of roughly 1,738.78 per 100,000 people.

violent crimes in portland graph

You lived there in the 90’s? You’re lucky to be alive. Holy fuck look at the nonexistent spike in 2020. Wow!

What the hell is that years old chart supposed to prove? It's 2022 not 2019. You're clueless.

Portland's homicide rate increased by 207% from 2019 through 2021

When looking at yearly offenses by precinct, comparing 2021 and 2020, the central precinct saw a 91% increase.

While waiting you should perhaps research your claims, they lack credibility. While doing that maybe you can add a bit more about dog penis physiology and tag schuylaar.

This is where International like minds meet for an exchange of ideas and new information..I learn from you all the time- you're my iHusbands.
I'm not stuck on anything. DEFUND is what many were calling for. It's not semantics it's the word that was used and what many were calling for. It was a complete FAIL.
The use of the term defund was probably confusing and perhaps “divert” would have been more appropriate seeings how it was turned into something that was never proposed. But sure even as it was explained the actual process was bastardized to suit the MAGA salty tear outrage.
What the hell is that years old chart supposed to prove? It's 2022 not 2019. You're clueless.

Portland's homicide rate increased by 207% from 2019 through 2021

When looking at yearly offenses by precinct, comparing 2021 and 2020, the central precinct saw a 91% increase.

More men with guns? Is that your answer?

What solution do you suggest?
More men with guns? Is that your answer?

What solution do you suggest?

I suggest more police on the streets. Portland is severely understaffed as nobody wants to work as a police officer in Portland.

I understand the aspect of military equipment not being necessary as I witnessed my neighbors who were Gypsy Jokers being raided by armoured vehicles. They were actually good neighbors. No crap went on while they were there. Had a guy come over and help me one time while I was working on my car. He even went and got some tools.

The defund thing went too far in many places. Crime is crazy here. Car thefts, shoplifting on a massive scale. Businesses are closing because of it. All I have to say to business owners is to get a gun and the proper requirements to have it.

When I go to sleep I have my protection next to me. It would be stupid not to have the means to defend yourself.

Dude btw, t-mobile sucks. I’m pretty sure they have 1 employee.
I know. We’re on Verizon for cell service, but on a T-Mobile 5G gateway for business owners. It’s lightning fast internet, but the customer service sucks. We were on hughesnet before because it’s was pretty much our only choice living remotely. But, super happy with the 5G gateway, and it’s only $50 a month. Hughes was like $130, and slow AF
I suggest more police on the streets. Portland is severely understaffed as nobody wants to work as a police officer in Portland.

I understand the aspect of military equipment not being necessary as I witnessed my neighbors who were Gypsy Jokers being raided by armoured vehicles. They were actually good neighbors. No crap went on while they were there. Had a guy come over and help me one time while I was working on my car. He even went and got some tools.

The defund thing went too far in many places. Crime is crazy here. Car thefts, shoplifting on a massive scale. Businesses are closing because of it. All I have to say to business owners is to get a gun and the proper requirements to have it.

When I go to sleep I have my protection next to me. It would be stupid not to have the means to defend yourself.

This entirely ignores one of the ugly reveals of the last few years of protests. Police harassed left-leaning protesters well beyond what was legal -
while joking and rubbing elbows with rifle-toting Proud Boys and other maga brownshirts.

An unconditional defund goes too far. Funds should however be conditioned upon tangible demonstration that this pattern of corruption is being positively undone.

No. But it is kinda strange that in 1967? that we just strapped up and went... now we can't seem to get of fthe ground with an unmanned rocket, just to orbit the moon, much less land on it. We've been delayed more than a week now due to hydrogen leaks, fuel mixture problems, etc. But in 1967 we nailed it on the first try. Not saying that we didn't do it, but now we are suddenly nervous that the World has instant access to the internet, and they better not fuck it up.
Are you unaware the moon landing was the 11th appolo mission..... Not the first?

I still think termites
This entirely ignores one of the ugly reveals of the last few years of protests. Police harassed left-leaning protesters well beyond what was legal -
while joking and rubbing elbows with rifle-toting Proud Boys and other maga brownshirts.

An unconditional defund goes too far. Funds should however be conditioned upon tangible demonstration that this pattern of corruption is being positively undone.

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I don't disagree that there are bad police officers. In some places they're the real criminals. But for the most part in bigger cities a lack of police is directly responsible for the high crime rates.

They shouldn't have armoured vehicles to ram through buildings but they should have assault rifles because those are what the criminals have. They should have at least the same armament as those they are tasked with subduing.
I still think termites

I don't disagree that there are bad police officers. In some places they're the real criminals. But for the most part in bigger cities a lack of police is directly responsible for the high crime rates.

They shouldn't have armoured vehicles to ram through buildings but they should have assault rifles because those are what the criminals have. They should have at least the same armament as those they are tasked with subduing.
I am addressing a prevalent entrenched culture of police prejudice. Until that is frankly acknowledged and attacked by the chiefs (and the union!), simply throwing more cops into the mix is detrimental, part of the multipronged assault on the republic.

I know. We’re on Verizon for cell service, but on a T-Mobile 5G gateway for business owners. It’s lightning fast internet, but the customer service sucks. We were on hughesnet before because it’s was pretty much our only choice living remotely. But, super happy with the 5G gateway, and it’s only $50 a month. Hughes was like $130, and slow AF

Going to pass that along to my dad, he returned to a ruralish area where Hughes was/is the best...holy shit it sucks. T-mobile is bad there as well for phone service, I end up climbing a tree at the end of the driveway normally.
I still think termites

I don't disagree that there are bad police officers. In some places they're the real criminals. But for the most part in bigger cities a lack of police is directly responsible for the high crime rates.

They shouldn't have armoured vehicles to ram through buildings but they should have assault rifles because those are what the criminals have. They should have at least the same armament as those they are tasked with subduing.

When a “good” cop looks the other way for one of their own, that makes them a bad cop.

Cops are morons, they hire morons on purpose. Morons do not need assault rifles. You can kill someone who has an assault rifle with a sidearm easy, I know from experience.