September 24th

Im not strictly on one side or the other.... which is dumb, we're all Americans. Trump had his faults, Biden does too. They all have had faults. Just like everyone else, we all have faults. Nobody is perfect, but at the end of the day, I just have questions, and opinions, and you should too. You don't have to believe them.... that's what makes us human. If we all believed the same thing, it'd be kinda boring.

trump sucked . Biden sucks. Why the hell do we elect these assholes and idiots as President? There are millions of better qualified people. Politics is a game and the smart ones don't want to play.
trump sucked . Biden sucks. Why the hell do we elect these assholes and idiots as President? There are millions of better qualified people. Politics is a game and the smart ones don't want to play.
I have no idea man... Hell, George Stephanopolis (or whatever his last name is) from GMA would make a better President.

If those link were true... it would be the first time in human architecture that a building (7) has ever fallen purely due to fire. But!... as soon as Larry said "pull it".. it came down.
Science is not false claims... if that where the case, all you quad vaxxed morons would be singing a different tune. "TRUST THE SCIENCE, TRUST THE SCIENCE, GET YOUR SHOTS!!, YOU"RE KILLING THE REST OF US!!!!! OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!"
Yes, we know that those with authoritarian personalities become abusive and threatening when they can't have their way. But things like "we are being gaslighted over Jan 6" and "they let the rioters inside" is simply not true. We saw it on that day and there is plenty of evidence that tells a different story than the one somebody made up for you to repeat.

The list of fake bullshit you've wasted your time spewing onto this thread is long and would take more space than is allowed in one post. For the sake of efficiency I will list what you have said is TRUE:

Yes, we know that those with authoritarian personalities become abusive and threatening when they can't have their way. But things like "we are being gaslighted over Jan 6" and "they let the rioters inside" is simply not true. We saw it on that day and there is plenty of evidence that tells a different story than the one somebody made up for you to repeat.

The list of fake bullshit you've wasted your time spewing onto this thread is long and would take more space than is allowed in one post. For the sake of efficiency I will list what you have said is TRUE:

No. But it is kinda strange that in 1967? that we just strapped up and went... now we can't seem to get of fthe ground with an unmanned rocket, just to orbit the moon, much less land on it. We've been delayed more than a week now due to hydrogen leaks, fuel mixture problems, etc. But in 1967 we nailed it on the first try. Not saying that we didn't do it, but now we are suddenly nervous that the World had instant access to the internet, and they better not fuck it up.
'69. That hoax was in 1969.
You know all the fake stories. I only know what is reported by facts based news media outlets. I'm asking the false conspiracy theory guru. Tell us about Plasma Beings.
Yeah, I got nothin’ I’ve made my statements, beliefs. Plasma Beings sound pretty cool tho.