The reason why canine is different from human is that they have a bone in their penis.
I thought that was Bed Bath & Beyond?I thought everyone knew September 24th is the first day of Macy’s big end of summer sale.
Is that a question in Trivia Pursuit?The reason why canine is different from human is that they have a bone in their penis.
Not even worthy of Trivial PursuitIs that a question in Trivia Pursuit?!
Still focused on yourself.Wow... comin' hot out of the chute.. Well, I give a shit about you and everybody else who's trying to better themselves. And honestly, I don't know all the facts about Jan 6th, nor do I care. There's going to be more and more stupid shit that's going to happen before both of us die, so.. .there's that.
You want me to recite the Constitution of the United States or something? .... not really sure what you want from me. It was designed to protect We the People, and that includes overthrowing our own government. However, it's not that simple anymore. They simply have become too big. Too much power, too much money. Too many lies.Still focused on yourself.
My post was not about you, but the idiotic libertarian ideology. It's pretty clear that narcissists like you are attracted to the selfish libertarian idea that they should be allowed to do what they want without constraint.
Try posting without referring to yourself. Defend the Libertarian ideology instead of making it all about you.
This post is not about you either.
I was suspicious from the beginning on this one. You have 4 airliners that all 8 titanium engines vaporized for the first time in airline history crashes.. 2 buildings that "fell" at free fall speed (102 floors at 9.8 seconds), and Building 7, that was not hit by a plane, but was 30 year leased by Larry Silverstein 6 months prior, and he said "Pull it"... a demolition term, and all of the sudden at 5:20pm, it implodes into its own footprint. The BBC reported that Building 7 had fallen, but their correspondent was standing in the frame with Building 7 clearly still standing. Not suspicious at all.
I was suspicious from the beginning on this one. You have 4 airliners that all 16 titanium engines vaporized for the first time in airline history crashes.. 2 buildings that "fell" at free fall speed (102 floors at 9.8 seconds), and Building 7, that was not hit by a plane, but was 30 year leased by Larry Silverstein 6 months prior, and he said "Pull it"... a demolition term, and all of the sudden at 5:20pm, it implodes into its own footprint. The BBC reported that Building 7 had fallen, but their correspondent was standing in the frame with Building 7 clearly still standing. Not suspicious at all.
Yep... the Pentagon. The most highly guarded building by hundreds of camera's, and we get 2 frames of a fireball. If it were truly an airliner, they could have seen it coming for a mile... including the cameras of other building around the area.What about all the pentagon camera’s? At least one had to have caught a 747 flying into the side of it?
You ever see "Loose Change" by Dylan Avery?... pretty interesting documentary.What about all the pentagon camera’s? At least one had to have caught a 747 flying into the side of it?
The Constitution enables our elected officials in Congress to write laws. If signed by the president, they become enforceable. If challenged, they can be struck down by the SCOTUS should they find the law violates the Constitution. That is pretty much how the Constitution works. I am embarrassed for you that I had to explain this to you..You want me to recite the Constitution of the United States or something? .... not really sure what you want from me. It was designed to protect We the People, and that includes overthrowing our own government. However, it's not that simple anymore. They simply have become too big. Too much power, too much money. Too many lies.
that would expose you as a strict-constructionist, which is to practical law what infallible-Bible is to practical religion: corrosive.You want me to recite the Constitution of the United States or something? .... not really sure what you want from me. It was designed to protect We the People, and that includes overthrowing our own government. However, it's not that simple anymore. They simply have become too big. Too much power, too much money. Too many lies.
Well, Im from Oklahoma... so that may explain things for you. As far as getting laws changed, sure it's written that way, but unfortunately, the politicians get thier pockets lined to swing one way or the other. It's all about the money. They don't give 2 shits about me or you.I am embarrassed for you that I had to explain this to you..
If you don't like a law, you can work to get it changed. Regarding regulations that constrain businesses from anti-completive practices, protect workers, protect the environment, enable collective bargaining. This country needs more of them, not fewer. There is nothing in the Constitution that says We The People cannot demand this from our elected representation in government.
Not only does @DoubleAtotheRON accept the orthodoxy of libertarian ideology despite the fabricators of the libertarian ideology admission that it fails upon close examination but he also espouses fake conspiracies.that would expose you as a strict-constructionist, which is to practical law what infallible-Bible is to practical religion: corrosive.
Meh... I think we're all being gaslit. Total respect for you bro. Not here to argue. But, it looks like they're waving them in here..... Capitol Police officers did not attempt to,the objection of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.
The first year of Biden's term:Well, Im from Oklahoma... so that may explain things for you. As far as getting laws changed, sure it's written that way, but unfortunately, the politicians get thier pockets lined to swing one way or the other. It's all about the money. They don't give 2 shits about me or you.
Im just stating some facts if I may your honor... I see opinions are not allowed. Im just a free thinker that applies science, and physics to make a decision on the possibility of an event occurring. Humans are by nature easily influenced to believe what they are told by the MSM. There are times when they are true, and other times there are false flags that you have to look at the facts, and decide if it was really possible that a man in a cave half way round the world orchestrated the biggest attack on US soil by assigning suicide pilots who have never been inside the cockpit of a commercial airliner and somehow flew them into WTC 1 and 2 with such precision. You think you could just hop in the seat of a 747 at 30K ft and swing er' around to hit a building 100 miles away with accuracy?Not only does @DoubleAtotheRON accept the orthodoxy of libertarian ideology despite the fabricators of the libertarian ideology admission that it fails upon close examination but he also espouses fake conspiracies.
What we are seeing in his posts are classic examples of right wing authoritarian social dominant behaviors. Such people need a safe space where they feel in control and confident. When contradictions violate their safe space, their go-to is to compartmentalize the contradiction and if necessary, make shit up to deny the validity of the contradiction.
The "WTC disaster was an inside job", for example. It is unsettling, if not downright scary that a hijacked jet could cause so much damage. So they create a myth to explain it that gives them back the sense of certainty and control. And yet, they use "Muslim terrorist" to justify banning their entry into the US. Contradictions like this are compartmentalized by authoritarians that enable them to do whatever they want regardless of right or wrong.
Are you stating facts or opinions? Sounds like you’re not even sure yourself.Im just stating some facts if I may your honor... I see opinions are not allowed
"Facts" are there were no engines found, no bodies, no seats, luggage, from 4 crash sites... just an unscathed passport on the street from one of the "pilots"... My "opinion" is that it was a false flag.Are you stating facts or opinions? Sounds like you’re not even sure yourself.Make up your lie…I mean mind.
These terrorists were just like the Jan 6 rioters. Of course did that even happen? Since you don’t remember that