Examples of GOP Leadership

This thread has become a "who has the worst weather" thread.

Who on the Republican side gets the lucky job of trying to fix things?
This thread has become a "who has the worst weather" thread.

Who on the Republican side gets the lucky job of trying to fix things?
If the democrats win in November, they will help them to clean out their party with domestic terrorism laws and a watch list with no guns or flying for those on it. Other reforms will help to mitigate the problem and eventually demographics will finish the job.
Average Temperature in Winnipeg
The cold season lasts for 3.3 months, from November 27 to March 5, with an average daily high temperature below 26°F. The coldest month of the year in Winnipeg is January, with an average low of -1°F and high of 14°F.

Daily high temperatures are around 24°F, rarely falling below -2°F or exceeding 44°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 18°F on January 13. Daily low temperatures are around 9°F, rarely falling below -18°F or exceeding 31°F.
looks like a pretty even trade
Well, it is about 100 miles north of the Minnesota border and I lived there for 20 winters...
Tricking legal asylum speakers into being dumped a thousand miles away=Christian.

Meanwhile, godless marxist radical left wingers respond with... genuine care.

Welcome to America.
They broke the law, and the republicans would have had democrats in cuffs over it by now and went completely over the top. The democrats need a distraction, so it might be time to shove that red hot poker up Trump's ass a little further. I wouldn't give them 2 weeks of coverage in the media, I'd be warming the media up for the J6 hearings with juicy tidbits and doing something that would get Donald's undivided attention. Use Donald's tactics, change the subject from their immigration stunt by giving the media something better to chew on, be proactive. Hillary and Obama need to come out, shit on Trump and talk abortion and hope for the reaction as Donald spends his rally time defending his ego, instead of talking immigration; get him to back Lindsey's abortion ban, just to get at the democrats. They need to play Donald like a fucking fish.
If the democrats win in November, they will help them to clean out their party with domestic terrorism laws and a watch list with no guns or flying for those on it. Other reforms will help to mitigate the problem and eventually demographics will finish the job.

Other reforms, demographics, if the democrats win in November ?

The weather isn't so good and how about that local sports team?
Other reforms, demographics, if the democrats win in November ?

The weather isn't so good and how about that local sports team?
The polls are looking better all the time and Joe is up to 49% in some of them, but in this election, there are indications the polls are off by a bit more than usual, the abortion ban has folks fired up. They are on track to keep the senate and are closing on the house. If they keep the house and have a useful majority in the senate, things can happen real quick and among those things will be election reform, voting rights and domestic terrorism laws. Gun regulation is popular too and depending on the size of the majority, it could be significant. Joe is doing an excellent job, just averted a rail strike and is kicking Vlad's ass very badly in Ukraine, by election day the Russians will be in far deeper shit than now. They might not have much money to give to the republicans in 2024 and new laws will kill dark money.
i went to 5th through 12th in Minnesota, where the earth is fucking flat...the first year we moved there they had record snow, then record flooding that spring :shock:
i 've seen winter. we're not friends.
My sister lives in the Rockies…above 9000’. She‘d like me to come stay with her, but every time I’ve visited in the last 20 years, I’ve gotten sick & missed my return flight. I love her to pieces, but I…hesitate
This thread has become a "who has the worst weather" thread.

Who on the Republican side gets the lucky job of trying to fix things?
Let’s play a game:
Name two things that Rs have *FIXED* in the last 50 years

a) - “fixed“ as in ‘made significant necessary repairs and/or improvements’
b) - ‘manipulations of the machinery to preserve dominance’ DO NOT COUNT

The polling is beginning to reflect the shift away from the MAGA/GOP axis: in GA, Abrams is supposedly even w/ Kemp (w/in margin-of-error)…’course, this year, the size of that margin window can’t be measured, as events since the *last* election have brought the GOP’s worst nightmare into play: they are being investigated…and the display of corruption found SO FAR makes this the worst & most extensive political scandal in US history.

The signs of a broad-based pullback in support are everywhere, but this is a far bigger deal than anything so puny as Watergate, so the margin of error is impossible to calculate this year. One good indicator is that Walker in SIX POINTS DOWN from 48/48, putting Warnock in an almost unassailable position @ 54/42 (Quinnipiac)

Always important to remember that there is polling…and there is polling. Much polling undertaken for/by GOP is looking to create the illusion of “support” for candidates & policies through false choices, manipulative mis-statements & misrepresentations of positions, policies, & priorities (a foul experience, if you’ve never taken part in such a poll; if you have, then you know). ABOVE ALL, they *don’t* want your opinion on *anything* - just answer the questions…EXACTLY as presented.

(I *am not* saying there aren’t poll like that run for Dems…just, I’ve ONLY gotten them for GOP)
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This thread has become a "who has the worst weather" thread.

Who on the Republican side gets the lucky job of trying to fix things?
Well, only Trump can fix it, according to him.

What needs fixing that the democrats are not addressing?
Trump isn't in prison yet because it's useful to have him running around in a panic freaking out, after the election, Garland or Georgia will fix that problem. The FBI is busy fixing problems too, by tossing fascist MAGA republicans in prison at a steadily increasing rate as Joe divides them off from the rest of the sheep. With the Mar A Lago secret documents Garland has Trump by the balls and Trump himself spilled it to the public by bitching about it to the public and filing dumb lies as court briefs. The J6 hearings are starting soon, will run right into election season and promise to be great TV with high ratings and even more October surprises. Meanwhile Donald threatens the nation with his army of morons, if he gets busted there will be big trouble. So What? Fuck him and fuck their feelings, Donald is gonna get out of his cage in a bag.
Let’s play a game:
Name two things that Rs have *FIXED* in the last 50 years

a) - “fixed“ as in ‘made significant necessary repairs and/or improvements’
b) - ‘manipulations of the machinery to preserve dominance’ DO NOT COUNT

The polling is beginning to reflect the shift away from the MAGA/GOP axis: in GA, Abrams is supposedly even w/ Kemp (w/in margin-of-error)…’course, this year, the size of that margin window can’t be measured, as events since the *last* election have brought the GOP’s worst nightmare into play: they are being investigated…and the display of corruption found SO FAR makes this the worst & most extensive political scandal in US history.

The signs of a broad-based pullback in support are everywhere, but this is a far bigger deal than anything so puny as Watergate, so the margin of error is impossible to calculate this year. One good indicator is that Walker in SIX POINTS DOWN from 48/48, putting Warnock in an almost unassailable position @ 54/42 (Quinnipiac)

Always important to remember that there is polling…and there is polling. Much polling undertaken for/by GOP is looking to create the illusion of “support” for candidates & policies through false choices, manipulative mis-statements & misrepresentations of positions, policies, & priorities (a foul experience, if you’ve never taken part in such a poll; if you have, then you know). ABOVE ALL, they *don’t* want your opinion on *anything* - just answer the questions…EXACTLY as presented.

(I *am not* saying there aren’t poll like that run for Dems…just, I’ve ONLY gotten them for GOP)
Just a note to say, this comment has been expanded…
Just a note to say, this comment has been expanded…
Kempt's proposed contraception ban is a gift for Abrams, who is good at reregistering voters and getting them to the polls, she has conducted seminars and workshops on it around America. Too bad Trump's TV trial wasn't before the election with Kempt testifying against him along with other top republicans on live TV! Fulton county is half black and heavily democratic, so Trump's jury could have a lot of black folks sitting in judgement on him. If Georgia and Texas go blue with statewide offices, it will make 2024 pretty hard for the GOP.
figures ted cruz would have to get into it, the fucking attention whore...
republicans are just pathetic...they're most "successful" campaign stunt could leave them open to prosecution for human trafficking, and it's just a low, reprehensible thing to do to immigrants who want to do the right thing and become citizens...
just fucking sad