Examples of GOP Leadership

*IS* a real thing, if you’ll pardon my saying so.

Middle-ish of August, one of the kids that lives here went to a weekend party for a couple of hours. Two days later, she was sick; testing for Covid was positive. Over the next four days, the mom tested positive; the next day, the second kid tested positive, and the day after that, the third adult went down. Four people, four bedrooms. I slept on the couch. Having seen that I couldn’t trust the masking OTHER people were doing, I stayed in the basement for two hours after anyone else was prowling around (excellent HVAC & HEPA-quality filters), and went masked THEN. EVERY TIME. I used what I knew about the virus, used ACTUAL N95, as I took care of everyone else *and* the house (it’s a slovenly, careless bunch, I’m sorry to say). I slept on the couch every night, the bedroom having become isolation wards…double-masked, as everyone else would come down to grab breakfast while I was still asleep.

By Labor Day, they were symptom-free and back to the grind. I didn’t get sick…because I used my brain & what I *knew*, and in stuck with it. No one has relapsed, and TO THIS DAY I have not caught the bloody thing, despite being in several high-risk, high-susceptibility groups. As the designated errand-runner (and unable to afford the instacart up charges), I have gone masked in stores & around others out of the house, since March - what was, ‘19? ‘20?

No one has ever challenged me for going masked…and I’m in one of the very Trumpiest sections of one of the very reddest parts of the country, BTW.

Anyway, point is, Covid is STILL here and STILL HAPPENING.
Almost 1000 people are still dying every day from it in America, in the 9 hundreds I believe.
*IS* a real thing, if you’ll pardon my saying so.

Middle-ish of August, one of the kids that lives here went to a weekend party for a couple of hours. Two days later, she was sick; testing for Covid was positive. Over the next four days, the mom tested positive; the next day, the second kid tested positive, and the day after that, the third adult went down. Four people, four bedrooms. I slept on the couch. Having seen that I couldn’t trust the masking OTHER people were doing, I stayed in the basement for two hours after anyone else was prowling around (excellent HVAC & HEPA-quality filters), and went masked THEN. EVERY TIME. I used what I knew about the virus, used ACTUAL N95, as I took care of everyone else *and* the house (it’s a slovenly, careless bunch, I’m sorry to say). I slept on the couch every night, the bedroom having become isolation wards…double-masked, as everyone else would come down to grab breakfast while I was still asleep.

By Labor Day, they were symptom-free and back to the grind. I didn’t get sick…because I used my brain & what I *knew*, and in stuck with it. No one has relapsed, and TO THIS DAY I have not caught the bloody thing, despite being in several high-risk, high-susceptibility groups. As the designated errand-runner (and unable to afford the instacart up charges), I have gone masked in stores & around others out of the house, since March - what was, ‘19? ‘20?

No one has ever challenged me for going masked…and I’m in one of the very Trumpiest sections of one of the very reddest parts of the country, BTW.

Anyway, point is, Covid is STILL here and STILL HAPPENING.
March 2020. In ‘Fornia it was the day after St. Patrick’s iirc.
it's seriously just time to shut florida and texas both off of the federal teat...no infrastructure money, no anything money. just send checks to all the people who were on state assistance, so they can continue to feed their kids and pay their rent, let the rest of them deal with shit themselves. texas would be in immediate trouble, and it wouldn't take long for florida to burn through their budget surplus, and start falling short, perhaps two years till they have no surplus, another two for them to have to institute state income tax, another two for them to be in as bad or worse shape than texas
it's seriously just time to shut florida and texas both off of the federal teat...no infrastructure money, no anything money. just send checks to all the people who were on state assistance, so they can continue to feed their kids and pay their rent, let the rest of them deal with shit themselves. texas would be in immediate trouble, and it wouldn't take long for florida to burn through their budget surplus, and start falling short, perhaps two years till they have no surplus, another two for them to have to institute state income tax, another two for them to be in as bad or worse shape than texas
Win the election and it becomes a federal crime with teeth and pain.

Never been to the (any) desert…closest was driving through Wyoming. Maybe the weirdest place I’ve ever been: so completely *empty* it was creepy. Then again, total isolation seems like it would be a great blessing these days
In ‘03 I rode through Montana east of the mountains. Vast rolling grasslands with not one tree. I found it beautiful. It earned the Big Sky moniker.

Trouble is, they have real winters there.
This is a pretty valid point. desantis seems to be just as big an attention whore as trump, for just about as much reason.
He looks to be signalling a run in 24...If trump is still free and running, it won't make any difference. trump will spoil their chances, splitting their base. It would only take a few percentage points, and trump is sure to maintain at least ten percent of the republican vote, maybe more.
In ‘03 I rode through Montana east of the mountains. Vast rolling grasslands with not one tree. I found it beautiful. It earned the Big Sky moniker.

Trouble is, they have real winters there.
Winters are serious there. Once knew a chiropractor who lived in Bozeman…her tales of winter were scary. I did go through Montana, but by way of Yellowstone, so did not see the treeless vistas. Idaho, OTOH, made Montana look flat.
Winters are serious there. Once knew a chiropractor who lived in Bozeman…her tales of winter were scary. I did go through Montana, but by way of Yellowstone, so did not see the treeless vistas. Idaho, OTOH, made Montana look flat.
The run from Yellowstone to somewhere near Missoula was awesome. Beartooth Pass on a spectacularly nice day. Wish I knew where I mislaid the photos.
Winters are serious there. Once knew a chiropractor who lived in Bozeman…her tales of winter were scary. I did go through Montana, but by way of Yellowstone, so did not see the treeless vistas. Idaho, OTOH, made Montana look flat.
i went to 5th through 12th in Minnesota, where the earth is fucking flat...the first year we moved there they had record snow, then record flooding that spring :shock:
i 've seen winter. we're not friends.
Try Winnipeg winters!
Average Temperature in Winnipeg
The cold season lasts for 3.3 months, from November 27 to March 5, with an average daily high temperature below 26°F. The coldest month of the year in Winnipeg is January, with an average low of -1°F and high of 14°F.

Daily high temperatures are around 24°F, rarely falling below -2°F or exceeding 44°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 18°F on January 13. Daily low temperatures are around 9°F, rarely falling below -18°F or exceeding 31°F.
looks like a pretty even trade