It's gonna be a weird day.
You don't become a hero by virtue of joining some group, you have to commit heroic acts. Constitution doesn't have much to do with it.
It's a bad idea in terms of competing or whatever you want to call what we do in relation to other nations, geopolitics, but I do think we should close all foreign military bases and get out of those countries. We can hand them over to NATO and offer up employment opportunities for all the public and private soldiers that get displaced.
Normally my view is a blend of real world and philosophical opinions, I can't think of any justification to send or leave our military in another country. It wouldn't be acceptable to me, I don't see why we think it's OK. A country's military should never be in another country as a rule, there needs to be a strong justification for violating that.
*being a hero by simply joining the army always cracked me up, it was always the shittiest people that claimed that.