carbon dioxide machine


Active Member
i live in humboldt and thought any one could use this info.... did you know that running a carbon dioxide machine in your room will almost double you wieght at the end????? as soon as you turn down... you turn on the carbon dioxide plants thrive on it as it is their air every bud down to the bottom will be dank


Well-Known Member
Yea but you have to run a closed room with an air conditioner to use CO 2 effectivly.


Well-Known Member
i use the 5 gal bucket 3 hoses water 5 lb bag of sugar 3 table sp. yeast change every week


Active Member
thank god for humboldt county and the redwoods and god allowing all of us up here able to run closed rooms.....i feel so blessed....i have 80 lights run on a genny with machines and get awesome results every time thanks for all your comments it is hella interesting to see all the many many different ways everyone grows and all the info is hella cool thanks for making me feel welcome


thank god for himboldt county and the redwoods and god allowing all of us up here able to run closed rooms.....i feel so blessed....i have 80 lights run on a genny with machines and get awesome results every time thanks for all your comments it is hella interesting to see all the many many different ways everyone grows and all the info is hella cool thanks for making me feel welcome
80 lights... one genorator.... calling bullshit


Active Member
the generator is a 7500kw... we all grow big up here whats that mean calling bullshit ????? its huge and yesiree its true


Active Member
it must be that you find it hard to believe a woman grows or you have never heard of humboldt .....where everyone uses a generator....its unheard of to use electricity


it must be that you find it hard to believe a woman grows or you have never heard of humboldt .....where everyone uses a generator....its unheard of to use electricity
i know women grow

i live near humboldt

a generator produces this "unheard of electricity"

and i call bullshit because talk is cheap without pics to back it up

you have less than 30 posts, i find it very hard to believe you have this going on....

lets see some pics to prove it as you seem to be getting very defensive


Active Member
it runs on diesal and thats something i would never do is post a pic anyway believe what you will i have nothing to prove to anyone sorry you feel that way i did not get on here to cause anyone grief shopuld have never mentioned my scene in the first place oops bad!!!! not trying to outdo anyone just joining in on what this site is all about sharing a lil info i am not defensive rather laid back and peaceful have a nice night


it runs on diesal and thats something i would never do is post a pic anyway believe what you will i have nothing to prove to anyone sorry you feel that way i did not get on here to cause anyone grief shopuld have never mentioned my scene in the first place oops bad!!!! not trying to outdo anyone just joining in on what this site is all about sharing a lil info i am not defensive rather laid back and peaceful have a nice night
well, posting one single picture is not going to give anything away other than you telling the truth

however, since you refuse to post even a single picture, i am inclined to believe you are making things up

now excuse me, the ferrari in my underground garage has some dust on it and i need to yell at my team of servants for not cleaning it

post a pic, all doubt shall fade

ya know what? hell it doesnt even have to be of your pot

lets see your co2 machine or your 75000 kw diesel generator


Active Member
your about stupid... you only wish.... i have to prove nothing to you and thats that do you ridicule every one like this sounds like a cop thing to me questions and proof???is this what this site is i merely gave an opinion based on my facts and knowledge of my scene or scenes bigger than you will ever imagine or maybe your jealous and want to see how a professional does it i dont know but you have a nice day and find something better to do with your time than harass people you know nothing about if you lived near humboldt i find it hard to believe you would even be like that but who the fuck cares what you think or say bullshit it is for ya:)


your about stupid... you only wish.... i have to prove nothing to you and thats that do you ridicule every one like this sounds like a cop thing to me questions and proof???is this what this site is i merely gave an opinion based on my facts and knowledge of my scene or scenes bigger than you will ever imagine or maybe your jealous and want to see how a professional does it i dont know but you have a nice day and find something better to do with your time than harass people you know nothing about if you lived near humboldt i find it hard to believe you would even be like that but who the fuck cares what you think or say bullshit it is for ya:)
sounds like your getting pretty angry =/

you can think im a cop all you want it makes me smile

forgive me i just feel if your gonna brag about something give something to back it up

as fart as jealousy goes, i can not be jealous of something i am sure isnt happening

continue with your thread i am done "harrassing" you for telling stories

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
80 lights on a 7500kw generator...............

so what are room/rooms dimensions? how much co2 do you use weekly? what concentrations do you shoot for? what monitoring/dosing system you go with? you running 8 or 16 light green house controllers for all room functions? what are the temps? RH? Grow Medium? Ph? Nutes of Choice? any supplements?....what strains? odor and exhaust systems?? do you SoG? Perpetual Harvest? whats yields like, you hitting a gram per watt??

You should have no problem answering these questions intelligently if you have been at it 15 yrs....I understand being apprehensive about pics, it took me a while too.....