Anime your top ten favorites

hey, y’all - how’s everybody doin’?

EVERYTHING on Hulu *and stuff on Netflix* is moving or has moved to Crunchyroll, Amazon‘s sole access for anime is slowly eroding as contracts end and rights revert…ditto for ‘Netflix jail’.

Funimation is out of the picture: I doubt they’d even sell you a monthly. ONLY CRUNCHYROLL is being updated w/ new shows & new episodes, and Funi’s deep catalog is showing up on CR frequently.

Go w/ CR and you’ll get everything FUNI. I pay $8/mo & I don’t have time to watch everything I want to see. Satisfied customer, who once burned thru everything on Prime, Hulu & NFLX.

Deeply disappointed w/ HiDive (most of my comments are in this thread); I’ll update them to say that they have few shows, & many are older; as for “mature content”, many such shows are incredibly juvenile & not worth watching - and not at all mature (fan-service NE maturity!) - but some are FUNNY (intentionally) and some are unbearable. Some, like Ikki Tousen, are awful - no story, no characters, just girls getting their clothes ripped off in swordfights. I signed up because I wanted to see “Call of the Night” & “Vermiel in Gold”, and to see what HD had. Those are good shows (not great but worth watching if you’re move to do so), but I won’t renew once those shows are done. HiDive’s mobile app is garbage to try & use.

As the FuniRoll merger rolls on, I expect HiDive to - well, take a dive: it’s pretty obvious that Sony wants to be THE central source for all things anime, so they’ll be competing for licenses as current agreements expire…and maybe not getting them.

In other news, Season TWO of Ancient Magus’ Bride has been announced (no dates, but still) - preview looks AMAZING! Also, Season 3 of Arifureta was announced. And the fall season looks to have a bunch of good stuff, the one most front-of-mind is The Eminence in Shadow.

as Summer is almost over anime-wise, it’s about time for what’s hot & what’s dropped, but I’ll do that later.

yeah i ckd Hidive and i didn't like it at all.....Funi is still selling btw, and they're pulling a lot of the old stuff up too, i've noticed Crunchy is expanding just wish they would pick up some new stuff i've been hearing about........and slowly i've seen Netflicks pulling back, i've only seen a couple of new ones on there, other than that it's same o, same o.......they don't even have the arc's for Demon Slayer on
hey, y’all - how’s everybody doin’?

EVERYTHING on Hulu *and stuff on Netflix* is moving or has moved to Crunchyroll, Amazon‘s sole access for anime is slowly eroding as contracts end and rights revert…ditto for ‘Netflix jail’.

Funimation is out of the picture: I doubt they’d even sell you a monthly. ONLY CRUNCHYROLL is being updated w/ new shows & new episodes, and Funi’s deep catalog is showing up on CR frequently.

Go w/ CR and you’ll get everything FUNI. I pay $8/mo & I don’t have time to watch everything I want to see. Satisfied customer, who once burned thru everything on Prime, Hulu & NFLX.

Deeply disappointed w/ HiDive (most of my comments are in this thread); I’ll update them to say that they have few shows, & many are older; as for “mature content”, many such shows are incredibly juvenile & not worth watching - and not at all mature (fan-service NE maturity!) - but some are FUNNY (intentionally) and some are unbearable. Some, like Ikki Tousen, are awful - no story, no characters, just girls getting their clothes ripped off in swordfights. I signed up because I wanted to see “Call of the Night” & “Vermiel in Gold”, and to see what HD had. Those are good shows (not great but worth watching if you’re move to do so), but I won’t renew once those shows are done. HiDive’s mobile app is garbage to try & use.

As the FuniRoll merger rolls on, I expect HiDive to - well, take a dive: it’s pretty obvious that Sony wants to be THE central source for all things anime, so they’ll be competing for licenses as current agreements expire…and maybe not getting them.

In other news, Season TWO of Ancient Magus’ Bride has been announced (no dates, but still) - preview looks AMAZING! Also, Season 3 of Arifureta was announced. And the fall season looks to have a bunch of good stuff, the one most front-of-mind is The Eminence in Shadow.

as Summer is almost over anime-wise, it’s about time for what’s hot & what’s dropped, but I’ll do that later.
Glad to see you hopefully you are doing well and I would have to agree High Dive is a pain in the butt :hump: :peace:
yeah i ckd Hidive and i didn't like it at all.....Funi is still selling btw, and they're pulling a lot of the old stuff up too, i've noticed Crunchy is expanding just wish they would pick up some new stuff i've been hearing about........and slowly i've seen Netflicks pulling back, i've only seen a couple of new ones on there, other than that it's same o, same o.......they don't even have the arc's for Demon Slayer on
Demon Slayer is CR - S2 is the Mugen Train arc & Entertainment District arc. Swordmakers’ Village arc maybe this time next year. The also have the Movie version of the train arc, but it’s more fleshed out for S2.

GREAT stuff, BTW
Bless you, Jeff, Budman - I appreciate it, truly.

She had nodules, wasn’t responding to treatment. I don’t know the details: she has an unfortunate tendency to hide answers from me. She talks to her friends…I don’t think I’m one of them, in her mind.

Surgeon told me they’re clean & benign, that she handled the surgery well, no complications. Her voice is gone, mostly - comes back in fits & starts, she has no volume, can’t change pitch or tone. Might clear up, might not…no easy answers on that, apparently. She’s less combative at the moment, which isn’t bad. Went out to get her nails done today.
Bless you, Jeff, Budman - I appreciate it, truly.

She had nodules, wasn’t responding to treatment. I don’t know the details: she has an unfortunate tendency to hide answers from me. She talks to her friends…I don’t think I’m one of them, in her mind.

Surgeon told me they’re clean & benign, that she handled the surgery well, no complications. Her voice is gone, mostly - comes back in fits & starts, she has no volume, can’t change pitch or tone. Might clear up, might not…no easy answers on that, apparently. She’s less combative at the moment, which isn’t bad. Went out to get her nails done today.
Well the very best wishes to you and your family :hump: :peace:
Just finished watching Tenchi Muyo! War in Geminar, and it’s pretty damn good (*love* those 45min episodes!)…but apparently most of the story was only available on VCD (of all things!). Bunch of movies, too, but do y’all know where to find them?

They’ll probably show up on CR sometime, but my interest has ignited, I’d love to be able to watch the WHOLE THING sooner than eventually.

Season 2 finale for Rent-a-Girlfriend dropped last night. MUCH better show than people say, not a dumpster fire at all, unless maybe you can’t drive yet. Season 3 announced, and I’ve genuinely enjoyed the whole thing so far.

Summer shows are ending out, soon it will be time for a Top-10-ish review of the season.

Hope all y’all have a great weekend!
Just finished watching Tenchi Muyo! War in Geminar, and it’s pretty damn good (*love* those 45min episodes!)…but apparently most of the story was only available on VCD (of all things!). Bunch of movies, too, but do y’all know where to find them?

They’ll probably show up on CR sometime, but my interest has ignited, I’d love to be able to watch the WHOLE THING sooner than eventually.

Season 2 finale for Rent-a-Girlfriend dropped last night. MUCH better show than people say, not a dumpster fire at all, unless maybe you can’t drive yet. Season 3 announced, and I’ve genuinely enjoyed the whole thing so far.

Summer shows are ending out, soon it will be time for a Top-10-ish review of the season.

Hope all y’all have a great weekend!
Right back at you and I could have swore I seen it on high dive but don't quote me on that I have not watched it and hopefully you and yours are doing well my son got me a new sticker to go on my new car lol think anyone will know it 1663433121328208273436.jpg
Finished season one of Jujutsu Kaisen back in July.
Animation was nice, story was alright, seemed childish at times but a good watch overall.02c909684baa37d6ef70a9df742d58951610752067_main.jpg

One Piece: Just finished the Big Mom(Wedding Cake!!!) ark and rolling right into the Wano Ark.

Bleach: Patiently waiting for Thousand-Year Blood War.