Found a budworm?- No pic, I murdered in the heat of the moment


Well-Known Member
5th - 6th week of flower

I was inspecting the plants this morning and saw something that caught my eye. I went to investigate and poked the suspected area with my scissors and I was startled when whatever it was sucked in to a bud and disappeared. Angrily I was determined to find this intruder and did, my emotions over took me and I instantly beat his ass to death. So unfortunately I did not get a good look at the intruder but it was a tiny caterpillar and I believe he was mostly green with maybe some brown spots? I can't say for sure if it disappeared into a bud or just behind it one or in between two.

So is there a difference between inch worms and budworms or are both an issue? Is there a spray that I should use or do I need to manually remove being at this stage of flower. Bud rot is probably a concern at this point. I have been using 1/week Flying Skull - Nuke em for a previous aphid issue. Should I remove the bud I found this little bastard on?

Any help is appreciated.
5th - 6th week of flower

I was inspecting the plants this morning and saw something that caught my eye. I went to investigate and poked the suspected area with my scissors and I was startled when whatever it was sucked in to a bud and disappeared. Angrily I was determined to find this intruder and did, my emotions over took me and I instantly beat his ass to death. So unfortunately I did not get a good look at the intruder but it was a tiny caterpillar and I believe he was mostly green with maybe some brown spots? I can't say for sure if it disappeared into a bud or just behind it one or in between two.

So is there a difference between inch worms and budworms or are both an issue? Is there a spray that I should use or do I need to manually remove being at this stage of flower. Bud rot is probably a concern at this point. I have been using 1/week Flying Skull - Nuke em for a previous aphid issue. Should I remove the bud I found this little bastard on?

Any help is appreciated.
You can spray your plants with spinosad every week till harvest day—BUT you can’t smoke spinosad so you MUST wash your buds directly after harvest in an H2O2 outdoor plants are getting this treatment.
You can spray your plants with spinosad every week till harvest day—BUT you can’t smoke spinosad so you MUST wash your buds directly after harvest in an H2O2 outdoor plants are getting this treatment.

Thanks for the quick response! I'll will start this treatment as well.

How about the bud I found it on, should I remove or leave it all be and start treatment?
There is no evidence one way or the other that Spinosad in harmful to smoke. It is been proven it's not harmful to use on veggies etc just before harvest, and it isn't harmful for humans or animals to ingest - unless you drink a bottle of concentrate or something. Benn using on my plants for 12 years, no issues, doesn't affect the taste. I like it because it kills most harmful bugs. But you can rinse the buds if you want.

BT is specific to budworms so that's an option as well. Safe to spray on buds. Regarding the bud the worm was in, I'd just chuck it, don't want that rot from poop spreading
Look for his poop trail and try to remove any buds with it on them, otherwise you will likely suffer rot. Good luck!

Should I hose them down? Looked pretty closely for about 30-40 mins and I could not find any additional caterpillars. Also looked closely for black poop trail and didn't see any. I find it hard to believe there was only one caterpillar though and like Kim Jong Un doesn't take a shit.

I'll go spend another 30 mins and give another look.
Should I hose them down? Looked pretty closely for about 30-40 mins and I could not find any additional caterpillars. Also looked closely for black poop trail and didn't see any. I find it hard to believe there was only one caterpillar though and like Kim Jong Un doesn't take a shit.

I'll go spend another 30 mins and give another look.
They start out tiny as a pencil mark.
Angrily I was determined to find this intruder and did, my emotions over took me and I instantly beat his ass to death.
Your utter lack of self discipline in this interaction leads me to classify you as a potential berserker. Meaning we could possibly be related.
Your violent tendencies won you the battle but can never win you the war. Instead try BT and if you happen to see a praying mantis grab it and put it in your plant, it's your hungry and stern ally. :peace: All kidding aside best of luck
There are different kinds of moths

The moth that budworms come from lay single eggs at a time, not in clusters

I know there are different types of moths.

The caterpillars can come from a variety of different moths. Many lay eggs in clusters. Some may lay only a single egg at a time but lay them in more than one location.

It's not just on specific type of moth that lays eggs one at a time that will choose a cannabis plant to lay its eggs on. Many species of moths will use a cannabis plant. Without knowing what type of moth deposited the egg that hatched the caterpillar there is no way of knowing how many eggs were deposited on the plant.

Not my photo. Found online.
