Burnt tips on new growth, previous errors could be affecting it


It was in a cup with some shitty mostly dirt medium that led to over-watering too many times, which made the lower leaves yellow and stunned it's growth since it´s 45 days old, after the roots started circling the cup and the leaves looked sad I repotted to a 2 gallon pot with a mix of 40% worm castings, 30% peat, 20% coco and 10% perlite I bought from a local growshop. Two days after I repotted, I got a new 100w full spectrum light, it stays at 15 inches giving it 500 ppfd. I keep 77 degrees and 60% humidity. I think it had a phosphorous deficiency because the stems are purple due to the initial cup and medium. I've messed up so many times in different things that I´m not quite sure what could be affecting it now.


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My suggestion would be, adding some food for that plant, peat and coco won’t give that plant much of what it needs and that’s why a lot of people choose that route (more control on feeding) I would add some down to earth 4-4-4 (much less then recommended) maybe a splash of molasses with your next watering. And that should get her back on track. I would suggest on your next grow starting bagged soil such as fox farms happy frog, using the down to earth 4-4-4 and a bloom such as dr earth 3-9-4 for flower. Keep the earth worm castings as those are great!! Along with some use of molasses. That will be a solid starting setup to learn and build from. Give it time you will have that plant back on track.
Yeah i see alot of coco coir mixed in there..
Your ph maybe off.. and you have very little nutrition in that dirt coco mix.. try and take it easy on your watering .. plant that size doesnt need a totally soaked pot.. next time you water try giving it some food. ( nutrients)
My suggestion would be, adding some food for that plant, peat and coco won’t give that plant much of what it needs and that’s why a lot of people choose that route (more control on feeding) I would add some down to earth 4-4-4 (much less then recommended) maybe a splash of molasses with your next watering. And that should get her back on track. I would suggest on your next grow starting bagged soil such as fox farms happy frog, using the down to earth 4-4-4 and a bloom such as dr earth 3-9-4 for flower. Keep the earth worm castings as those are great!! Along with some use of molasses. That will be a solid starting setup to learn and build from. Give it time you will have that plant back on track.
Thanks for the info, I´ve looked into fox farms before, but unfortunately bagged soil for cannabis overall is very difficult to come by in my country and it´s a bit expensive to import due to the weight, kind of why I chose what was available in the only local growshop there is. I can get a 4-4-4 for growing, would a 4.8-12-6, that I have now, be overkill?
It appears to me you have done your research, with PPFD and environmental conditions 77f 60% that all looks good. The reason I mentioned all organic options is the simple fact of organic bacteria and fungus will balance your ph, coco and peat will need ph adjusting.
It appears to me you have done your research, with PPFD and environmental conditions 77f 60% that all looks good. The reason I mentioned all organic options is the simple fact of organic bacteria and fungus will balance your ph, coco and peat will need ph adjusting.

Yeah i see alot of coco coir mixed in there..
Your ph maybe off.. and you have very little nutrition in that dirt coco mix.. try and take it easy on your watering .. plant that size doesnt need a totally soaked pot.. next time you water try giving it some food. ( nutrients)

Ph meter is on it´s way, so it´s very likely that it´s off since I haven´t been able to check, I started getting into growing after the seeds germinated without any proper tools to be honest, so learning along the way.
It says organic in the bottle at least, it´s nitrogen 4.8%, phosphorus 12%, potassium 6%, silica 7%, humic acids 20%, fulvic acids 2.5%, phytohormones 60ppm, seaweed extract 4%, amino acids 2%.
That will do you just fine! Always start with much less then bottle recommendations.
No problem! I want to see an update in a week.
Hi again, after messing up again this time damaging most of the roots trying to transplant, and waiting for it to recover, now with proper watering, I´ve fed it three times since then, PH between 6.2-6.5, new roots have filled up the pot. I cut lower leaves that turned yellow and now it seems that it's taking off and looking much better, too small for it´s age regardless but it´s helped learn a lot. I´ve fed it 0.75ml per liter. Should I feed more often? Bigger quantities?


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Hi again, after messing up again this time damaging most of the roots trying to transplant, and waiting for it to recover, now with proper watering, I´ve fed it three times since then, PH between 6.2-6.5, new roots have filled up the pot. I cut lower leaves that turned yellow and now it seems that it's taking off and looking much better, too small for it´s age regardless but it´s helped learn a lot. I´ve fed it 0.75ml per liter. Should I feed more often? Bigger quantities?
Looking good! New growth has definitely improved! I wouldn’t feed more often no. Less is more! Give her some time to recover and she will take off. Im glad it’s teaching you something, hands on is the only way to get a good feel for what works for you.
Looking good! New growth has definitely improved! I wouldn’t feed more often no. Less is more! Give her some time to recover and she will take off. Im glad it’s teaching you something, hands on is the only way to get a good feel for what works for you.
Hi again, after messing up again this time damaging most of the roots trying to transplant, and waiting for it to recover, now with proper watering, I´ve fed it three times since then, PH between 6.2-6.5, new roots have filled up the pot. I cut lower leaves that turned yellow and now it seems that it's taking off and looking much better, too small for it´s age regardless but it´s helped learn a lot. I´ve fed it 0.75ml per liter. Should I feed more often? Bigger quantities?
You said you transplanted? What soil did you use? Odds are the soil will have enough nutrients to carry the plant for several weeks, I would not feed at all and just water when needed. Right now while the plant is recovering is won’t need much of anything. You can back your lights down and temps some as well. Pushing a sick or recovering plant hard with lights,temps,nutrients is like a bodybuilder going to the gym with pneumonia.
She just needs a little chicken soup!
You said you transplanted? What soil did you use? Odds are the soil will have enough nutrients to carry the plant for several weeks, I would not feed at all and just water when needed. Right now while the plant is recovering is won’t need much of anything. You can back your lights down and temps some as well. Pushing a sick or recovering plant hard with lights,temps,nutrients is like a bodybuilder going to the gym with pneumonia.
She just needs a little chicken soup!
Not quite a transplant, I was watering it but the pot was sitting directly on the floor and not draining and it started showing signs of over-watering again, so I took the plant out, mixed the medium that I mentioned in the first post with more of the same one but dry and put it back in, damaged the roots in the process, that was almost a month ago after creating the thread. New roots have filled the pot by now. Lights have been at 24" always and I've kept the temperature at 68F since then because I started another strain next to it that likes lower temps. The other one is a Purple Afghani Auto, and I've been feeding them both the same amount, 1/4th of what's recommended in the bottle.
Gotcha, okay. If you can I would try to get temps up, no lower then 72 with leds, save the low temps for the end of flower
Quick update, it outgrew the tent so I had to take it out, and it's in flower now. Glad I worked on fixing it instead of starting a new one, learned a lot.


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