The addiction of Kerbal Space Program


Well-Known Member
Kerbal Space Program is a video game for the pc which is still in beta. A version of the game can be downloaded for free. I first heard of the game about a week ago. I went through the tutorial that shows how to build a very basic spaceship only capable of getting off the ground, but not into orbit. Next, I set out to build my own rocket. The first 10 (or so) versions of my ship crashed while trying to take off. Some of the crashes were funny, but I was getting frustrated. My next attempt was a success. My ship got into orbit, and I set off for the moon. When I arrived at the moon my fuel levels were low, so I brought my astronauts back home without landing. From that point on, it became an obsession of mine to land on the moon and be able to get back. I just can't stop playing.

So, is anyone else playing this game? What are your thoughts about it?
I've been playing on version 13.3, which is the free version of the game. On this version you have the planet Kerbin (your home planet), the moon, and the sun. Surprisingly, I have found this to be plenty enough to get into the game and see whether or not it is for you. I believe that if you decide to purchase the game it cost something like usd18. With a purchase you get the latest version which is something like 17.0, and all future updates. In the latest version there are several planets and your home planet has 2 moons. Remember, the game is still in beta, or in other words it is still in heavy developement with much to come. Some of this has already been added, but here is a cut and paste from the KSP wiki page regarding what they plan to add:

Flight Operations

  • Better parachute control[1]
  • Trajectory/Orbital Display UI
  • Full map view with 3D trajectory/orbital information
  • Abort Sequence, for emergencies
  • E.V.As- Extravehicular activities (Moving around outside of the Craft)
  • I.V.As- Intravehicular activity
  • Enhanced I.V.As (Moving and interacting inside of the Craft)
  • Internal and Camera views with a full virtual cockpit
  • Persistence (saving) and switching between multiple ships
  • Docking
  • Time acceleration [2]
  • Crew Tasks: Have the crew take charge of controlling the ship (provided they can handle it)
  • Prebuilt ships, for tutorials or as examples
  • Training scenarios as in-depth tutorials
Space Center

  • Astronaut Complex : Hire and train kerbonauts
  • Research and Development : Discover and Improve Parts (from a tech tree)
  • Part recovery[3]
  • Runway : to land on or launch from
  • Spaceplane hangar : A secondary VAB, that allows for horizontal (belly-down) construction
  • Mission Control Room : Create flight plans and take on missions and challenges
  • Tracking Station: Keep track of orbiting objects and ongoing missions
  • Observatory : Discover new celestial bodies to visit
Spacecraft Construction

  • Exploded View : A schematic visualization of the ship, allowing for greater control over ship functionality
  • Tweakables : Context menu when rightclicking on a part[4]
  • Stack Extensions : Fairings, structural reinforcements and solid-booster fuel plugs
  • Side-mounts : Liquid-fueled parallel stages, drop-tanks, and cargo pods
  • Spacecraft Stats: Total Weight, Loaded Fuel (per Stage?) Center of mass, thrust, lift and drag
  • Saving Parts: The ability to save parts and reuse them in a different ship, like a lander. [5]
Physics / Dynamics

  • Better model of atmospheric pressure and drag.
  • Splashdowns and floating parts.
  • Wind / Turbulence conditions
  • Reentry heat
  • Possibility of reentry heat weakening structural connections [6]
Scenery / Graphics

  • Procedural quadtree-based terrain engine
  • Clouds (weather?)
  • Static Particles (cloudlets)
  • Long-duration smoke trails
  • Fuel-dependent larger explosions
  • Asteroids
  • 4 planets and 6 moons [7]
  • 3 gas planets, moons and an asteroid belt[8]
  • Better scenery for space center scene
  • Matching launchpad scenery in flight
  • Cities and other geographic points of reference
  • Space Center Facilities can be destroyed by crash-landing onto them, and fixing them will cost you.[9]

  • ​ More and better sound effects
  • In-Game Music
Game / Engine

  • Settings Screen
  • Input Mapping
  • In-Game Settings screen
  • Joystick/Gamepad support
  • Mac OS X Support
  • OSC Data Interface, for connectivity with external applications
  • Faster game loading

  • A more complete SDK and documentation (You can help by adding to the wiki!)
  • Normal map support for part textures
  • More modding opportunities than just parts

I have finally managed to launch several ships which successfully landed on the moon and returned home so I'll be purchasing the game as soon as I can afford it. Here is a vid done using the free version to wet your whistle. I refused to use this ship design simply because I wanted my first successful trip (to the moon and back) to be with a ship of my own design.
