Most giggly /wrecked strains


Well-Known Member
Strains that are high thc but high terps that make you that high you fall off the chair laffing
I’ve not felt 15 again trippy smoke and paranoia in along time I remeber sitting in parks uncontrollably laffing
And I get it on some strains but I always seem to pick relaxed movie strains lol

what strains get you fucked how high style scary movie wazaaaap hard
I've asked this question before, and the answer I basically got was, tolerance was lower, you were younger and happier chilling with your buddies cracking dumb jokes. I miss that high too though, closest I've gotten is shrooms when it's first setting in
That's it. Less stress and responsibilities. Everything was new. Trying to get that feeling again is but chasing a dragon
The kali mist I got in the mid 90's was like that. I was a pretty heavy smoker at the time and that stuff fried me. Smoked 2 bowls with my sister on the way from dallas to houston and was laughing the whole trip. I hear it's not the same now. I had some Peruvian bud that did that also. I'd say look for long season sativas.
The kali mist I got in the mid 90's was like that. I was a pretty heavy smoker at the time and that stuff fried me. Smoked 2 bowls with my sister on the way from dallas to houston and was laughing the whole trip. I hear it's not the same now. I had some Peruvian bud that did that also. I'd say look for long season sativas.
That’s where I got to sativas and I’ve mostly done Indic’s cause of height but I got 13ft ceiling now so ima do some lol
Mid potency haze hybrids are the giggly type for me, think amnesia haze, ssh, slh, they’re all the happy giggly carefree type for me. But alot comes down to your own body and what works for you rarely has the exact same effects on others
100% agree. Strawberry Cough puts me in the right head space for that (also, Cindy 99 and Sweet Tooth), but when you're older it is hard to get it started, you need to watch something really funny. When you were younger, an episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle would do it. The last thing I saw on TV that had me laughing so hard I hurt myself a little was the second season of Dave.
Try some jack herer or super silver haze. Something on the more sativa side of things. I don't like weed which makes me slow and dumb. I want my weed to make me hyper and scatter brained. Or just active and happy. That's good too.

Edit: oh, and take break for a week or three.
i find the best bet is to take semi-regular breaks. It's like your 15 all over again when you smoke. Every two or three months ill take a few weeks off smoking and when I come back, shit i thought was average blows my mind lol. Especially when you hit the month. Holy shit was I gassed earlier on this year when i took five weeks off. Nearly had a panic attack when I had my first few cones. Hit it like I hadn't just had a tolerance break and within a few minutes was all "fuck me, the tv and my phone have got like twice as loud I swear. Why is everything so loud" "it has to have been 2:15am for like five minutes now"
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Sounds like a sticky situation.
hahah, nah was great, was a guy that worked at the same winery as I did, I scored him some weed that day. he repaid me by giving me the strongest acid I ever had, without any instructions.... well the rest of the story ends with me typing here now.
i find the best bet is to take semi-regular breaks. It's like your 15 all over again when you smoke. Every two or three months ill take a few weeks off smoking and when I come back, shit i thought was average blows my mind lol. Especially when you hit the month. Holy shit was I gassed earlier on this year when i took five weeks off. Nearly had a panic attack when I had my first few cones. Hit it like I hadn't just had a tolerance break and within a few minutes was all "fuck me, the tv and my phone have got like twice as loud I swear. Why is everything so loud" "it has to have been 2:15am for like five minutes now"
Sensory enhancement..nice. Love a strain that puts me into Hashish Assasssin mode.
Try some jack herer or super silver haze. Something on the more sativa side of things. I don't like weed which makes me slow and dumb. I want my weed to make me hyper and scatter brained. Or just active and happy. That's good too.

Edit: oh, and take break for a week or three.
Yes yes haha

@Rurumo haha so true